Weight Fluctations ??

Hey Guys,
I weigh myself every day.... I seem to be either 16st 10lbs or 16st 12.... EVERYday it changes. It is doing my head in. any idea why? I have been hoping it would just go down :(


  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Over what period of time? Your weight can fluctuate by as much as 5 lbs within the same day due to things like having food in your digestive tract and retaining water, so the fluctuation you're seeing is totally normal. When you're trying to lose weight, you may not necessarily see a loss every *week*, let alone every day.

    If it's been quite a while and you haven't lost anything, you're probably not eating at a calorie deficit.
  • RhiannonBaugh
    RhiannonBaugh Posts: 45 Member
    What time do you weigh yourself? Try doing it in the morning after you've been to the toilet and completely naked! That's what i do because your bodies had time to digest everything where you've been asleep, go to the toilet so your bowels and bladder are empty and be naked so there's nothing extra on you! haha and don't weight yourself everyday you'll just disappoint yourself. Set yourself a weekly or fortnightly weight loss goal and then weight yourself every one or two weeks. Then if you have a short time goal it will help towards your long time goal and will keep you pushing to get your goal every time. :)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Water weight happens and is a normal occurrence. I "gained" five pounds once in a day.
    Try not to get discouraged. Echoing what was said above.
    Weighing in the morning after using the restroom is my time of choice, since that is probably the lowest I'll weigh for the day, and it's been a good gauge for me to track progress.

    If you can't handle frequent weigh ins, weigh yourself less, and try not to obsess on the number. I've been stuck at the low 130s for a while, fluctuating between the same 1-2lbs, but my body is still changing via measurements and stamina. Weight loss isn't linear, and the number isn't worth getting discouraged over.
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    I can't weigh myself everyday because seeing this type of thing happening demotivates me and makes me not want to continue.

    I weigh once a week on a Friday, very early in the morning before work, totally starkers after having been to the toilet. I also measure once every 4 weeks and take a picture every 2 months.

    Even if the scale doesn't shift, I can usually see a difference in either the photograph or measurements.

    I know that it's hard, but right now try not to make the number on the scale your focus of attention. Make YOURSELF the focus of attention. Go and do the physical activities you enjoy, eat well, sleep well and drink enough water :)

    Soon enough, the scale will read right!

  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    This is one of the pit falls of weighing daily, if you can handle the fluctuations then its fine but if not best avoiding, once a week is plenty.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Amount of food you eat, sodium amount, potassium amount, hydration level, and exercise all affect your weight.

    Alcohol dehydrates people... so if I drink over maintenance, I usually weight around 2 pounds lighter on the scale the next morning.

    Sunflower seeds (David) have lots of sodium. Eating one serving of that while being under my calorie goal has made me gain up to 3.2 pounds.

    One time I ate healthy all day and ate 100 cals over my goal, so still a 400 deficit. Gained 1.5 pounds.

    Water weight fluctuates daily, and a lot depending on so many things.