Question about cheat meal.

I've had a great week this week and haven't messed up once, however can feel myself craving something.. (Mainly KFC chicken) haha. I was considering allowing myself one cheat meal per week on a Sunday, however I had planned to weigh myself on Monday morning. Would it make much of a difference? Should I change my weigh in day?

Thanks! x


  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    If you have a high sodium meal and weigh yourself the next day there is a good chance you will be retaining water and the number will be higher so keep that in mind. The opposite thing can happen with alcohol. I've seen people say they were surprised at their weigh in the night after drinking, that it is lower, well that is probably because of dehydration. I try weigh in a day or 2 after a night of drinking or a high sodium day for a more accurate reading.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I normally have a cheat meal or two on Saturday and Sunday, So My weight in day is Friday just to be sure.
  • Stopin_da_yoyo
    Stopin_da_yoyo Posts: 138 Member
    Good advise by all . I would be careful with keeping a cheat meal. If it works for you great but my recommendation is to just log it like everything else. Im not trying to be preachy sorry if it comes off that way. Others have put it more eloquently than here goes...try and treat this like a lifestyle change and not a diet. Although from your pic you look like a very beautiful young woman so im not sure how much weight your trying to lose...or maintain. You can probably go weeks without"cravings" but if you keep a "cheat" day then you could also binge and possibly backtrack.

    My advise is to log it and dont treat it differant..just pay attention to your log.

    Hope this helps.
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    Hmmm... from the responses, I'm forming a solid plan here: Cheat meal at Sunday lunch, then drinking binge Sunday night! Win-win! :drinker:

    Seriously, though, when I crave stuff like KFC, I plan it into my day. I may have to have coffee for breakfast and a salad for dinner, but I make it fit! It's not cheating if you keep your calorie deficit.
  • weeble870
    weeble870 Posts: 15
    Thank you for the responses and advice! I think I will try and include it into my allowance for the day! I am 179lbs trying to go down to my pre pregnancy weight of about 125/130.
  • spogna
    spogna Posts: 17 Member
    Hmmm... from the responses, I'm forming a solid plan here: Cheat meal at Sunday lunch, then drinking binge Sunday night! Win-win! :drinker:

    Do you think this could be repeated daily as I'm really liking the sound of this plan and think I can make it work. :drinker:
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    Hmmm... from the responses, I'm forming a solid plan here: Cheat meal at Sunday lunch, then drinking binge Sunday night! Win-win! :drinker:

    Do you think this could be repeated daily as I'm really liking the sound of this plan and think I can make it work. :drinker:

    Omg this made me laugh so hard! But then I thought about it and remembered that's exactly what I was doing this time last summer at 250 pounds. Hmmm... we may have to re-think this plan, dang it. :grumble:
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    I normally have a cheat meal or two on Saturday and Sunday, So My weight in day is Friday just to be sure.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't think scheduling a cheat meal is a good idea. If you want KFC, make room for it in your diary, and just get a little bit (like, if it's fried chicken you crave, have some, but get green beans on the side).