So here I am...

lyzz24 Posts: 4 Member
Hey! I joined about a week and a half ago and just realized that I am not utilizing one of the best perks of this site... all the like minded people in the same boat as me. So, here I am.

I would definitely love to connect with some people who would like some motivation and to give some as well :)

I've dieted on and off for years and literally woke up the Monday before last, decided that was the day and joined the site. I've been pretty good with logging everything I eat and I have even done some exercising... if you knew me, you'd know that I'm not a fan, lol! But, I'm doing it. I'm committed and, surprisingly, it doesn't suck as much as I thought it would. Maybe I'm gaining a little tolerance with age... who knows?

Anyway, it would be awesome if you added me :)


  • avargasgirl78
    avargasgirl78 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm here too.. lol. I am trying to find some motivation to get back into serious work outs, which for me is not as serious as many. I do run every day 2-3 miles, But I get lazy when it comes to.. anything else. I love the taste of food, which is why I have decided to log what I eat. I was in the best shape of my life last year and I credit this site with a lot of it. We can definitely set goals and motivate each other. My goal, as silly as this may sound, is to do my Jillian Michael DVD's every other day, I tell myself its only 30 min, You can spare 30 min, and then next thing I know, the day is over and I'm going to bed. Feel free to yell at me, speak rationally to me, whatever you think will motivate me. Let me know what your goals are, I'll try to push you and cheer you on too.
  • You can add me if you like. I need to loose about 30 more lbs. maybe we can motivate each other.
  • lyzz24
    lyzz24 Posts: 4 Member
    omg... you run 2-3 miles everyday? I walked a mile today and almost died lol!
  • rorieran
    rorieran Posts: 13
    Please feel free to add me...we can motivate each other!
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm always looking for more friends to stay motivated. Please add me :)
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    omg... you run 2-3 miles everyday? I walked a mile today and almost died lol!

    Look up couch 2 5k if you're interested in learning to run. You can start of walking (speed walk during "run" intervals and slow walk during "walk" intervals). Afterward, start putting a bounce in your step and you can call yourself a runner! :smile:
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Hi loved your post ! So funny and honest.
    If you decide to take this website almost !00% seriously then you will LOVE it. It works..
    Get a food scale. Watch portion sizes. Drink more water.
    Youre much younger than I but hey ! If I can lose almost 40 lbs anyone can.
    I don't exercise. As in gym. Golf, Swim. That's about it.
  • lyzz24
    lyzz24 Posts: 4 Member
    omg... you run 2-3 miles everyday? I walked a mile today and almost died lol!

    Look up couch 2 5k if you're interested in learning to run. You can start of walking (speed walk during "run" intervals and slow walk during "walk" intervals). Afterward, start putting a bounce in your step and you can call yourself a runner! :smile:

    thanks! I'll check it out now :)
  • lyzz24
    lyzz24 Posts: 4 Member
    thanks, everyone for responding! I have a husband and 3 sons... even our dogs are males. there is so much testosterone running through this house I may start growing chest hair soon! so, I like the idea of having ladies to share with :)
  • wendydaly1
    wendydaly1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I'm new to the posts too. In same boat with the men, 1 hubby 3 boys! All the women I know family/ friends are stick thin, so don't get it. Love for any ladies out there to add me as friend to help each other through the bad days we all have!
  • wendydaly1
    wendydaly1 Posts: 5 Member
    P. S. Also longing for the day when I am one of the (maybe not stick) but thin ones too! :smile: Trying to get a bit of a push going before holiday in August. Sister weighs 8st, mother 6 1/2 st. Ouch!