Wiped out after morning workouts anyone?

I'd like to be able to workout in the morning, early; I have tried to in the past and would feel completely wiped out later and for the rest of the day, like drained. Anyone else experience this? I did some research on it and found a lot of people have to nap after their workouts as a result, that's not an option for me. I eat well enough, not the best fruit/veggie person but do well otherwise. Thank you all for any responses/thoughts.

Love MFP, everyone is so supportive!!!


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    What do you have to eat/drink post workout?

    When I was working out earlier in the day, 300ml of chocolate milk made all the difference.
  • cc2206
    cc2206 Posts: 3 Member
    Feeling the same way.
  • las_6664
    las_6664 Posts: 7 Member
    2 things I've found about morning workouts... I need to be well hydrated otherwise I end up with a headache. And I have to be sure to fuel well after, with the whole day ahead of me I find it's even more important to get some protein in.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    i used to, although it was a comination of working shifts, eating when i had time and exercising 3-4 times a week. spend a few afternoons-early evenings collapsed on the sofa...
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    On days I don't work, I get up, have a small breakfast and my coffee, wait an hour then do my workout. On work days I don't work out until after work so no problem on those days but really want to convert to a.m. workouts. I will be starting nursing program in September and I know my workout time will suffer thus looking to try and go to early morning workouts. Thanks for your response!
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    What do you have to eat/drink post workout?

    When I was working out earlier in the day, 300ml of chocolate milk made all the difference.

    On days I don't work, I get up, have a small breakfast and my coffee, wait an hour then do my workout. On work days I don't work out until after work so no problem on those days but really want to convert to a.m. workouts. I will be starting nursing program in September and I know my workout time will suffer thus looking to try and go to early morning workouts. Thanks for your response!
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    I'd like to be able to workout in the morning, early; I have tried to in the past and would feel completely wiped out later and for the rest of the day, like drained. Anyone else experience this? I did some research on it and found a lot of people have to nap after their workouts as a result, that's not an option for me. I eat well enough, not the best fruit/veggie person but do well otherwise. Thank you all for any responses/thoughts.

    Love MFP, everyone is so supportive!!!

    I think I need to add to my question here... when I have tried in the past to work out in the morning, I'd eat a slice of whole wheat toast w/peanut butter, sip some water and go, then the rest of the day would feel wiped out, drained and because of feeling drained, I have had to workout later in day but I'd rather go to mornings. Again, curious on anyone's thoughts on this... I will definitely up my hydration but I will say I drink water all day long and sip on it on evenings. Thanks all!
  • myaiki
    myaiki Posts: 10
    Make sure you are hydrated throughout the day, and get enough rest! I have found that if I get less than 7 hours sleep at night and then work out in the morning, I am exhausted the rest of the day.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    I can't even imagine starting my day without working out :smile: It is hard to say why you are so tired and whether it is fuel, water or something else. For me personally, working out gives me great energy throughout the day, even though I burn up so much by running, cycling or working out at the gym. I go with two slices of whole wheat toast and some PowerAde but what works for me might not work for you. Maybe try some oatmeal or some kind of power bar, I know people who swear by them.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It's probably a combination of poor food choices or just being a bit out of shape. I get up at 5am 3 days per week and exercise very hard before work. I feel so much more energized and less stressed on the mornings after I workout.

    I'd recommend a few things:
    1. Protein shake after workout
    2. some carbs, but not tons of refined carbs
    3. Coffee (you'll want that during nursing school anyway)
    4. Give yourself TWO MONTHS to adapt to the new schedule before giving up!

    Edit: and oh yeah, definitely get plenty of water too!
  • NCDJ2013
    NCDJ2013 Posts: 43 Member
    Same here. I think it has to do with blood sugar dropping too fast . I agree with the person that suggested a protein shake after the workout. That can make a huge difference.
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for the input everyone, going to try these suggestions!