How do I lose weight? Last time it almost destroyed me!

So as everyone knows, to lose weight you need to eat less, and excersize more! Simple! or so I thought...

I thought if I start to eat less, and excersize more, I'd start to lose weight. So I started to consume 800-1200 calories, and started to excersize, I checked the scale 2 weeks later, and saw that I had lost 10 lbs, but I only felt a bit different. I researched about it online, and found out that, I had been doing something called ''crash dieting'', I didn't even know that I was doing it! I instantly gave up my diet, and returned to eating normally. It's been 3 weeks since then...

Now I've been looking how to do it the ''right way'' and found out that, I need to know something called ''BMR'' and ''TDEE'' I have no idea what they mean, nor why I need to know them... but I know they're important. I've heard there are some calculators online that I can use to find this out, so I typed in my weight. sex, age e.t.c and they came out with these results... said:

Your BMI is: 23.0
Your BMR is: 1791
Your TDEE is: 2462 calories said:

Your BMR is:
Your TDEE is:

my TDEE is ''2532''

Okay, so I've now got those figures, hurray!... But what do I do now...?

What I want to know is, if I want to lose 2 pounds every week:
1)How many calories would I have to eat everyday
2)How many calories would I have to burn everyday

If it helps, I'm an 18-year-old male :)

Please tell me a method that is safe, thank you! :)


  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Ummm this post looks familiar... Anyways why are you trying to lose weight?? 23bmi essentially means a 5'11 165lb man (only an example) which is certainly within normal range. How much weight do you want to lose? And 2lbs a week?? Do you think perhaps there is something else going on here?? Were you advised by a doc to lose weight? If not check out iifym (just put it in google) and it explains tdee and bmr and it's a very informative website. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but for all practical purposes you don't need to lose weight. Maybe just tone up, build some muscle :smile:
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Can I ask you WHY you want to lose weight ---especially at an aggressive two pounds/week with a bmi of 23?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You ate a VLCD for 2 weeks and then thought better of it... I don't think I see the 'it almost destroyed me' bit?
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    What is your height and weight? What almost destroyed you?
  • Well I guess the ''it almost destroyed me'' bit was over the top :)
    I'm trying to lose weight because I'm fat, I weigh 11st 11lbs (160 lbs) and I'm 5ft 10/11''

    I have A LOT of belly fat...

    want to lose 2lbs a week so I see quick results...
  • Ktanaqui
    Ktanaqui Posts: 35 Member
    For your height and weight, you're actually not overweight. Sounds to me like you just need to tone up some ;)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    It sounds to me as if you need to be hitting the weights and doing a body recomposition, not aiming to lose weight as you are not actually overweight. Also, why would you wish to lose weight fast, when in doing so, you risk losing more lean mass than fat, which is what actually helps keep your metabolism burning nicely ? I suggest you look into aiming for a more appropriate rate of weight loss if you wish to do this the sensible way because fast is not better. What is the rush? A lifestyle change rather than a quick fix diet, is a lot more sustainable.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    It sounds to me as if you need to be hitting the weights and doing a body recomposition, not aiming to lose weight as you are not actually overweight. Also, why would you wish to lose weight fast, when in doing so, you risk losing more lean mass than fat, which is what actually helps keep your metabolism burning nicely ? I suggest you look into aiming for a more appropriate rate of weight loss if you wish to do this the sensible way because fast is not better. What is the rush? A lifestyle change rather than a quick fix diet, is a lot more sustainable.


    Start lifting some weights, that'll do more for you.
  • Thanks for your advice guys but...

    I actually am quite fat...I wish I could show you guys or something...

    But thanks still :D
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    You were destroyed by eating 800-1200 calories a day for a couple weeks? Maybe a little exaggeration? :)

    Do whatever works for you. 1200 calories in one sitting at McDonald's and 1200 calories of a little baked chicken and a lot of fresh produce...they're the same calories. You'll be healthier (and feel better!) if you eat the fresh stuff, but you have to what works for you.

    ...and what doesn't destroy you. ;)
  • I'll will definitely try lifting weights, for sure! :)

    Thank you guys! :D
  • I've got it!

    I'm number 3/4-ish

    I want to be number 2, maybe number 1...
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    How were you almost "destroyed"? In fact, you don't mention anything bad about what you did and that it surprised you that it was a crash diet since it seemed "normal" to you.