How much should I eat?

Hello, I'm a 17 year old girl.
Height: 165cm
Weight: 67kg
Current BMI: 24
Target weight: 55kg

My BMR is 1455kcal/day
My TDEE is 2200kcal/day

According to this calculator:
(I set the exercise level to 6 times/week)

I already walk my dog 1,5hrs each day.
I run 30mins 5 days a week (Start of the C5K programme)
I plan to start doing 1hr of exercise at home 5 times a week and go swimming once a week.

My question therefore is, how much should I eat if I want to loose weight?
I read it need to be somewhere between my BMR an TDEE, so I opted for 1800kcal/day. But... I'm not sure how many calories
I burn during the exercises, so I'm afraid my actual calorie intake minus the calories burnt by exercise will be less than my BMR.

So I thought about eating more than 1800kcal/day, but it's hard for me to believe it's possible to lose any weight while eating this
much anyway. You always hear people get great results on 1000kcal/day diet so the idea of losing weight while eating
1455<x<2200kcal/day sounds a bit ridiculous to me...

What do you guys think?

btw. I don't have any time target set, I don't care how long it will take for me to loose that 12kg. I had yo-yo problems in the past,
so as long as I get to maintain my target weight at the end, I don't care if the loosing process takes even 20 years ;)


  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I think you might find that 1000 cal a day might result in a quick weight loss but isn't really sustainable or realistic for the long term. Looks like you are already quite active and plan on becoming more active so I don't think 1800 cal is unrealistic at all.
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    If you aren't sure and are only just starting try something like the 1,800. If you feel over-ally full or that it isn't for you change it up or down. When i started loosing weight i was consuming 1,750cals but i found it was too much for me so i went down to 1,600, then 1,400 and found that worked for me. I don't get hungry or feel over full and i lose enough weight to get to my goal. Just remember if you are just starting a diet you can sometimes either put weight on or lose a lot and then not lose anything for a few weeks cause most of it will be water weight. I know it's worked for me but everyone is different x