How does one become a "morning person?"



  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I was born that way. I can't help it. It was not my choice - but has been going on for 56 years. According to this - it's all good.

  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    Start now. Figure out what time you will need to be getting up. Then set your alarm and start waking up and getting up at that time now. However, don't just move from the bed to the couch. Actually set the alarm, get up, get ready and go somewhere.. like workout, go shopping, go have coffee get together or something. Get up and get moving, so when school begins, your body is use to that routine and your school work won't suffer.

    Get started now..
  • cootason
    cootason Posts: 59 Member
    Totally agree you really need an alarm clock and to hit the sack earlier so you still get your recommended sleep it takes time as a person that could sleep most the day and stay up all night it was particularly hard to change I had to pull a couple of all nighters and all days to reset mine or slowly stay awake an hour longer each day to get back to normal time easiest for me was simply staying up till my desired bed time and getting some really good sleep..
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Have kids.

    Alternatively, go to bed by 9-10pm.
    You win the internet!

    Anyone with kids knows this to be true.
  • j3nn75
    j3nn75 Posts: 1,234 Member
    you make yourself get up, after awhile you get used to it
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Don't look at it like a chore. You like having extra daytime! Ooooh, shiny sunrise!
    That made me smile. :happy:
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    My AVERAGE bedtime before kids was midnight, but after kids were born I needed to change my schedule. The biggest thing is going to bed earlier. If I go to bed earlier, then I get up earlier, get my exercise in, eat right, get more done, and am ready to go to bed earlier the next night. Figure out whatever your goal time is to get up early, then whatever time you went to bed last night, go to bed 30 min earlier each night until you reach your goal. Make sure that you allow 8 hrs of sleep so you will feel rested whenever you get up. Use a white noise machine like a fan to drown out little noises, keep your room slightly cool, cover your windows w/black out curtains (or foil) to make the room REALLY dark, & try not to eat or drink anything 3 hrs before bed so you'll sleep more soundly. A great NATURAL sleep supplement if you need something initially to help you is Nature Made's "Sleep," which can be found in most drug stores. Once you get up, make sure to get dressed right away, so you'll be less tempted to go back to bed, and try to exercise first thing. This former night owl now usually goes to bed around 9:15pm, and wakes up without an alarm clock before 5am. Everyone I've known who got into the habit of getting up earlier actually likes it better, and feels it's a much more productive day.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Everyone I've known who got into the habit of getting up earlier actually likes it better, and feels it's a much more productive day.

    It definitely a habit.

    And once you've got it, getting up late makes you feel like you've missed part of the day...
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    It takes practice. I was never a morning person, loved staying up late and sleeping in. Once I had kids that all went out the window and then once I started running I got up even earlier to be up before the kids. You just keep doing it until it becomes normal. Go to bed earlier. Set your coffee pot to have coffee ready for you when you wake up. There is something really magical about being awake and out when the sun comes up, I love it. Early morning is now my favorite part of the day.
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    Exercise early in the morning. It will make you more tired and want to go to bed earlier which then helps you get up earlier and the cycle continues. I also find socks help. For whatever reason, I find sleeping with my socks on helps me wake up earlier. If I take them off, dear god I'll sleep in.
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    Everyone I've known who got into the habit of getting up earlier actually likes it better, and feels it's a much more productive day.

    It definitely a habit.

    And once you've got it, getting up late makes you feel like you've missed part of the day...

    Exactly. It's 7:48 and I've already ran 5km, put a roast in the oven, started laundry and am doing homework. If I got up at 8 and stayed up late, I'd be watching tv instead and getting takeout because I don't want to bother cooking lol.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I don't know the answer to this, really... for the last year, I have had to be at work by 5am, therefore I have had to get up by 4. I am still not used to it and still want to hit snooze and sleep my way through the morning most days. Because I have no choice though, I just deal with it. My problem is that I am just not tired before 10 at night, and if I even TRY to go to sleep earlier, I just lay in bed awake with a million thoughts on my mind, I get reenergized, then am up all night *sigh*

    Good luck! I hope you find something that works for you.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    You need to go to bed earlier. I'm naturally a late night person but when I have to get up at 7am (early for me), I get to bed at 11pm.
    It takes practice. I was never a morning person, loved staying up late and sleeping in. Once I had kids that all went out the window and then once I started running I got up even earlier to be up before the kids. You just keep doing it until it becomes normal. Go to bed earlier. Set your coffee pot to have coffee ready for you when you wake up. There is something really magical about being awake and out when the sun comes up, I love it. Early morning is now my favorite part of the day.

    This- go to bed earlier and make it a routine- no matter what time you go to bed, get up at the same time. You'll adapt and mornings won't be so horrible. (I like being up before the kids too, just to enjoy coffee and read the news in peace!) :smile:

    ETA: if you have difficulty falling asleep at an earlier time, try taking melatonin, or valerian root in some tea.
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    You need to go to bed earlier. I'm naturally a late night person but when I have to get up at 7am (early for me), I get to bed at 11pm.
    It takes practice. I was never a morning person, loved staying up late and sleeping in. Once I had kids that all went out the window and then once I started running I got up even earlier to be up before the kids. You just keep doing it until it becomes normal. Go to bed earlier. Set your coffee pot to have coffee ready for you when you wake up. There is something really magical about being awake and out when the sun comes up, I love it. Early morning is now my favorite part of the day.

    This- go to bed earlier and make it a routine- no matter what time you go to bed, get up at the same time. You'll adapt and mornings won't be so horrible. (I like being up before the kids too, just to enjoy coffee and read the news in peace!) :smile:

    ETA: if you have difficulty falling asleep at an earlier time, try taking melatonin, or valerian root in some tea.

    Your ETA gave me a flashback.

  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You have to be born one. Otherwise, alarm clock.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    You have to be born one. Otherwise, alarm clock.

    Agree. Also, although I love Jim Carey in a bikini - that breakfast is drool worthy!
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    Habit and caffeine.

    Two and a half years ago, I started waking at 4:30 so I could work out. It was the only way to fit in my schedule. Before that, it was no uncommon for me to go not bed after 2 in the morning. After a month or so of struggling, I adapted. Now, I am usually up by 6 with no alarm.

    Also - think about the prize. It sounds like you will graduate ahead of schedule. That can only be good and totally worth whatever you have to do for a few months.
  • kadsmaller
    kadsmaller Posts: 85 Member
    For me personally you don't!

    There are two types of people in this world:

    1) morning people

    2) people who want to shoot morning people

    I am of the latter.

    Happy hunting - said as duck down, I am up every day at 4:00 a.m. It is a stretch for me to sleep past 5:30 a.m.. People view me has happy, bouncy, cheery and all-around well balanced. These same people do not see me wiltering at 3:00 p.m., and almost mean by 5:00 p.m. I love mornings and yet...I would love to see how the other half lives. I do believe as one poster wrote that it is about changing your habits to make it become a part of you. It doesn't mean that you will ever "be" a "morning-person" (agreeable to it). It simply may be that you've adjusted to the mornings in a way to get done all that you need to do through out your day.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Depends on what you mean by morning person. If it's just someone who automatically wakes up early, then yeah, that can be a learned habit. Regardless of when I go to bed, I've been waking up between 5:30 and 6 daily without an alarm clock for a couple of years now. (sometimes earlier) I learned this by habitually going to bed around 9 or 9:30 every evening, and waking up with an alarm clock for a year or so.

    If you mean someone who feels good and functions at the top of their game in the morning...I'm pretty sure that is innate. No matter when I go to bed, I feel like crap when I wake up, usually. I feel more alert and productive at night.

    If you're a night person, you can train yourself to wake up early, but at some point, every day starts feeling like:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It's 9:15 on a Sunday. Why in god's name is everyone talking so loudly!? Zzzzzzz