Weight Loss Buddy Needed!

Hello my name is Natalie im 23 and I desperately want to shift some pounds! I'm a typical yo yo dieter and recently ive just kinda given up and piled the wieght on. i went to a party last night which pretty much all the girls looked size eight #depressing.

Now i have no will power what so ever and i need the motivation and i need to be told that if i keep within my calories it will actually work at a healthy rate!

I would very much like it if i can find a weight loss buddy on here!

Cheers! :D


  • kristilee92
    Hey Natalie!
    I totally feel ya. I did a low carb diet and lost 20lbs and then I visited my mom and of course had to eat all the delicious (unhealthy) food she made me and I ended up falling off the band wagon and gained 30lbs. I am currently dieting and have lost 14lbs just from eating less calories (which really means smaller portions for me) and exercising everyday. I would love to help you out with your weight loss too!
  • Hi,
    I'll add you. I'm looking for for friends on here too for inspiration and motivation.
    Good luck x