Have over 50lb to lose and need motivation



  • shiningpotential
    I'm new here, too. I just keep reminding myself of a quote I saw on Facebook the other day: "You haven't felt failed if you keep trying. "
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    GO GO GO YOU CAN DO IT! If I can do it, anyone can do it. I have total around 190 pounds to lose, and I look ahead and think, wow, I shouldn't look ahead, but at the road right in front of me. I cannot do fads, or starvation, or Atkins, etc. I have to change my lifestyle, thinking, habits, etc. If you ever need to unload or advice, or just an ear, I will be here. Good luck!
  • Artionis
    Artionis Posts: 105 Member
    Fear -- I get it. Some people are so afraid of failure that they would rather not commit to a new challenge where they might fail. Personally, I recently made a choice between staying fat and committing to a new and healthy lifestyle. Oh yeah, I know there will be setbacks and off-program days. So what? I am stubbornly committed. I will succeed.

    And btw, I have experienced failures in various aspects of life. Anyone who hasn't, hasn't challenged themselves enough. Sometimes I just failed better time after time until I succeeded, and sometimes I acknowledged that the project was never going to work. C'est la vie. Failure isn't fatal unless you're skydiving.

    So stare your fear in the eye and kick its butt. Read the success stories of people who have lost hundreds of pounds and taken their lives back. They had no magic formula, just commitment and dedication to a different and better life.

    Encouragement and affirmation will come to you externally, but the motivation to persevere in a new way of life has to be stirred up in your own heart and mind and soul. You can make a decision today -- what do want more? To succeed at staying fat or to take a chance and begin a journey that will improve the quality of your life from this day forth. The ball is in your court. And I will cheer you forward.
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    Take it one day at a time.
  • shanellef05
    shanellef05 Posts: 17 Member
    I've been trying to lose weight for a lot of years... This time I mean business. From many past experiences I can tell you that you will fail. At least a little bit. It's okay. Just don't beat yourself up over it or do what I did. Every time I slipped up I used it as an excuse to stop dieting and exercising. I've learned that I will slip and eat something I shouldn't but I can't beat myself up over it. I just have to move on. It's not the end of the world.. Just start fresh tomorrow.
  • Shapeupwithalla
    It's O.K. to Fail as long as you get back up and keep going!! If you don't quit this time around, then you won't have to start all over again!! Good Luck with your fitness journey!

    Alla Pustelnik.
  • tiffanylachaparrita
    tiffanylachaparrita Posts: 5 Member
    When I need motivation I look at before/after weight loss pics and tell myself " Don't let the fear of time it will take to accomplish something stand in your way of doing it, the time is going to pass anyway, we might just as well put the time to the best possible use." :) good luck! you can do it!
  • Jacqueline12174
    To fail is to never try. I've been on here before...last year to be exact, and I fell off the wagon. BUT I NEVER QUIT, and I NEVER GAVE UP and still managed to lose 29 lbs. I have 53 more to lose. Thank you for posting this. I'm encouraged, determined, and all the love and support showed by the MFP community feels like a shot of B12!!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!!:flowerforyou:
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm two months in, 18 pounds off from a total of 88. I have 70 more to go. I love coming here and getting encouragement. Feel free to add me as a friend. I love getting comments and leaving them as encouragement. Stay positive. If you over eat dont feel like the whole day is blown..pick up where you left off at your next meal.

    I am a sweets-a-holic and my Doctor told me the only way to stop the cravings is to stop eating them. Well its been a struggle. Its real hard to break my after dinner icecream habit. I am still working on it. Feel free to chat with me if you want. Throw ideas around and we will get there!
  • swertyqwerty
    swertyqwerty Posts: 81 Member
    The time is going to pass whether you calorie count or not - so why not calorie count? Sure weight loss can be slow, but think of the alternative (gaining weight)! Just take it 1 healthy meal at a time.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    You might as well start with 5 lbs. It's a lot less scary.
  • kariokey1
    kariokey1 Posts: 16 Member
    I hear you, I have to lose 65 lbs.