hello...we CAN do it

katetaylor83 Posts: 10
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
hi my names Katie. since the birth of my second child (4yrs ago) i have struggled with losing weight. i gained 4stone while pregnant and after he was born suffered with medical conditions that lead me gain another stone. so that 5 stone (70lbs) i gained within a year. i did loose just over 2 stone (28lbs) in 2009 but last year with job changes and family stuff i maintained this weight but was unable to lose any more. this year i am determined to take off that extra 3 stone (42lbs) and become pre-baby weight. i may if i achieve this try lose more to become my ideal weight which i haven't been since my teens.
i need motivation though and am a 1st time user to this site. hopefully with support of others i will achieve at least some of this weight loss.
My Motto is we CAN do it... all positive thinking and that.



    DAMECHOCOLATE79 Posts: 12 Member
    "yes we can " keep positive because you can do anything you set your mind to :)
  • thanks. yeah we can do it..positive thinking all the way!
  • seeeeeeeee, told ya! positive thinking rules ! oh look!!! thye have smileys for the old me!!!:drinker: :smokin: :devil: :brokenheart: pmsl
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    This site combined with 4 days a week exercise is the recipe to success.
    Starting changing those ifs to whens. Because when you hit your ideal weight you can always say I told you so.
  • loving this site so good at keeping me on track. need support n a kick sometimes! i WILL lose the rest of my weight!
    and Clare that the 'OLD' the new you is :laugh: :explode: :tongue: :glasses: (and the exploding one meaning ur da bomb lol)
  • did wonder! or me without a *kitten* after a week! lol
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