Not so not new to the website but just now brave enoguh to p

So i am super private on the subject of weight, although it's funny because I am so outspoken on everything else. The website has been a huge help in starting my weight loss and life change again. Just reaching out to introduce my self and start to make some friends on here that are going through the same thing as me. This is my first time being on the message board to please forgive me if I am not up to speed on how things work.

My name is Kim, 2 1/2 years ago i lost 90 lbs, and then basically fell off the wagon, boredom, being in a rut of not losing and going through life challenges helped me in gaining 20 lbs back and feeling very defeated. But I am back and ready to conquer this final step in my goal years later. Hoping to find some people that I can encourage and that will encourage me through this final step.

i hope you all have a great day!


  • mirenner
    mirenner Posts: 205
    you lost 90... losing 20 will be a walk/jog/run in the park (pun intended)

    now, hop on and enjoy the ride
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    your weight loss is very impressive. Welcome!!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Welcome and good luck:flowerforyou:
  • forbessw
    forbessw Posts: 15 Member
    I'll send you a friend request.
    I have a similar story I lost 70 lbs 2 years ago then all last year I hovered around the same weight until the holiday season and gained 10 lbs.

    Everyone needs motivation to keep going and stay strong.
  • Kimke30
    Well I lost 90 but still needed to lose 50 more after that and gave up. My goal right now is to lose 60 lbs... I wish it was just a jog a way but thanks for the encouragement!
  • Honey329
    Welcome to MFP! I completely understand being uber private regarding weight. I, too, am very outspoken and loud and mouthy most of the time and on most topics, but I wear a coat of shame when it comes to my weight. I still have not announced my weight and I have been on this journey since June, 2010. Don't get me wrong. I am extremely proud of my loss and will talk with anybody who will stand still long enough about meal planning, zumba, hydration, etc... but (gulp) share my most secret number... nuh uh, no way Jose... it ain't happening!

    I know that in time I will share my shameful truth... just not yet!
  • Kimke30
    Thanks everyone, and when i figure out how to add and accept friends requests I will definitely add you guys :)
  • Lknott
    Lknott Posts: 6 Member
    Great job getting back on board. I am just starting and 90 lbs is awesome!