
johnsonc16 Posts: 30
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Starting Zumba next week and pretty nervous, not quiet sure what to expect?! Can anyone give me a brief overview of what its like, how hard it is, what kind of shape you need to be in to start??! Thanks!


  • Pip_K_W
    Pip_K_W Posts: 47 Member
    I've borrowed some of the DVD's from a friend who has said it's hard work but good fun!
    Hoping to do the 50 min cardio either tonight or tomorrow so I'll let you know what it's like :0)
    Good luck x
  • Quitestorm412
    Quitestorm412 Posts: 6 Member
    I just bought Zumba on the Wii and played it last. It is tough cause you do not know what steps they are going to do next but I thought it was fun
  • sdtul
    sdtul Posts: 24
    What it's like - It's like walking into a Mexican bar, where they make you line dance with them, but you don't know any of the steps, stone sober ;)

    Ha ha ha, it's actually alot of fun. Lots of salsa music. They usually quickly go over the 'moves' for whatever song they're using. What's nice about it is anyone can do it. You can be in whatever shape and still do it.

    I think Zumba is a workout where you get as much as you put in. If you put alot of energy into it (even if you feel like an idiot in the beginning) you're gonna work up a sweat.
  • Have fun, shake your butt and just keep moving. It takes a few classes before you get the hang of things. Energy is high and the class is SOOO much fun. But really, just keep dancing even if you arent getting it. Keep that heartrate high and youll burn anywhere from 400-900 calories and hour.

    I <3 Zumba :-)

    Good luck!
  • thanks that would be great! I am taking a class, so I hope its not to hard to begin!
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    You are going to LOVE Zumba. It is for all fitness levels. I can understand being nervous I was too when I first started. I felt like a real clutz because I didn't know the dance moves, but you will pick them up real easy. Give it like 3 - 5 times to decide if you like it or not. It is a lot of latin dance moves, so it will teach you how to move your hips and waist. Your curves will start to show up and in a GOOD way. Have lots of fun and just remember the most important part of Zumba is to KEEP MOVING!!!
  • I've done Zumba through a few different places. It can be intense but it's a TON of fun. It's a lot of movement and dancing, and honestly, you can tone it down if you need to. I've seen different types of "shapes" in there, and men too. Just have fun with it! :smile:
  • ZumbaTriad
    ZumbaTriad Posts: 61 Member
    Don't be nervous! As long as you're moving, you're doing it right!

    I'm sure you won't be the only person new to it so just don't take yourself too seriously and go into it with the attitude that you're going to have fun! Keep in mind it takes 3 - 4 classes to really get the hang of it ... whether you're doing Zumba, Turbokick, step or anything else!

    Have fun and let us know how it goes!
  • taffmister
    taffmister Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Johnsonc16, although I don't think that's your name!!! :-)

    What to expect, well that depends on the Teacher, the one we have is called Roni Bruno and she is MAD! but so full of energy that she makes it all seem so much fun. Zumba is a dance based Aerobics and can be pretty intense, however if the teacher is good, he / she will always tell you to take it at your own pace and believe me people do!

    It's based on mostly Latin steps, but they are 'simplified' so Salsa, Rumba, Cali, Cha, Cha, Cha etc. It's very easy to follow and if you like the music even better!! My favourite is Yo No Se Manana (by Luis Enrique) and our teacher always plays it for me :-)

    Above all it burn calories and how many is basically up to you - they reckon between 600 to 1000 per session, but I always count the lowest on my exercise tracker.

    Have fun and let us know how you get on! :-)

  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I've been Zumba'ing non-stop for seven months now. I attend classes like 6 nights a week. At first, I was horrendously out of shape, and a bout 100 pounds heavier. It was pretty intimidating, but once you get into it and realize how much fun you're having, you'll relax and get into the groove. In the beginning, the workout was so intense, and I could barely survive the hour. These days, it's still a great workout, but it's not debilitating. :) You just have to get a feel for what you can accomplish and pace yourself ... make smaller movements if you need to.

    The most important thing is just to have fun and you won't even realize how hard your working out!
  • Bambie
    Bambie Posts: 12
    I've been to two classes now and am looking forward to the next few months of classes as well. What your class will be like depends on the instructor really. I've heard some bad stories, but they usually boil down to the instructor was not very good. Of course this just my opinion. If you go into it knowing you're going to just have fun with it, you don't have to do the moves perfectly and be able to laugh at yourself, you should do just fine! You can go harder, higher, faster with the moves or lighter, lower and slower depending on your level of fitness too. Coordination is needed for SOME moves (this is usually where I laugh at myself). but you don't have to be for all of them. The music is always great too!
    Have fun!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    The best advice I can give is even if you don't know the moves..."Keep moving." You will sweat your butt off as long as you are moving and at least attempting the moves at a high intensity.

    I was a dancer for over 10 years and I will say, if you have NO rhythm it will be a little difficult, but as long as you go with the beat...you will be fine! Just have fun!!!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Zumba looks SO fun. I'd only be able to attend classes on the weekends though, so I would probably have to get the DVDs.
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