P90X - Scared

Ok... So I haven't posted on these forums in a while. After losing 50lbs and gaining 20 back, losing that and gaining 20 again, I'm back - and although its only been a couple weeks, I'm feeling good.


In the middle of a breakdown (crying etc) that my summer clothes no longer fit, two weeks ago, my niece (by marriage - so I don't know her all that great) who is a Beachbody coach, posted that she was looking for 2 people to be in a Beachbody test group. It will be a $50 deposit and she would pick a plan based on our goals and suggest meal plan etc. Again - in the middle of my breakdown, I thought "This is what I need!!! What perfect timing!!" So I poured my heart and soul into the online form she needed.

The next morning I immediately went "OMG!!! What did I do!?!?" I managed to calm myself down after convincing myself that the chance of me getting picked is slim.

Guess what? She picked me.

After me filling out another form with my goals and my time constraints etc - she chose a 3000 calorie a day diet and a 90 day P90X program.

Two things:

1. 3000 cals scares me - I'm so used to focusing in on 1700.
2. I'm terrified of this program. I'm in horrible shape. I weigh about 230lbs and have never done more than a little treadmill and weights.

Did I mention I have no AC in my home?

I'm really hoping there are other people on here who started out like me and successfully did P90X and who can calm me down and help me know what to expect.

I am supposed to start on July 7th.


  • vkdarling
    vkdarling Posts: 161 Member
    I've been wanting to start p90x too. I have tried it a few times but have only made it past a few days (because of low motivation but i feel like I'm finally at a place in my life where I would really do it) When do you start? maybe we could add each other and keep each other motivated.
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    I just finished my 9th week of P90x CLASSIC schedule today. I've done several rounds about 4 years ago....LOVE it! It works! Chics get the best results after 120 days (in my opinion).

    You don't eat 3000 calories.

    I'm eating 1700 per day average (zig zagging thru the week).

    Do the classic schedule. You'll need some whey protein to help hit the macros.

    First month (Phase I) - 50 / 30 / 20 (protein /carbs /fat)
    Second month (phase II) 40 / 40 / 20 (protein / carbs /fat)
    Third month (phase III) 30 / 50 / 20 (protein / carbs / fat)

    Use the calculator here: http://www.teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/nutrition-tools/caloric-needs
    Choose "loose SOME weight", and choose what is your activity BEFORE doing p90x (without exercise)...then your daily calories will come up as TO HIT YOUR GOAL.... (the other number is to maintain your weight).

    Use MYfitnesspal under GOALS / CUSTOM and put in the first month macros percentages and your daily calorie goal. Do NOT use the exercise thing in myfitnesspal === just track the food. Eat what you want as long as it fits your calories and macros.

    Equipment --- light and heavy dumbbells, yoga mat, pullupbar

    Stay tough, and you will be amazed --- your scale might not move until week 5-ish....don't freak out :) The scale does catch up. Write everything down on the worksheets. Try to beat your numbers from the previous week. Modify where needed until you get strength in a particular move.

    Good luck,
  • jsantus
    jsantus Posts: 53 Member
    I've done P90x & P90x3 and IMHO the beauty of those programs is that you can modify every move and 'grow into' the program. You may not be doing 20 unassisted pullups right away (I still can't) but you use a chair or pullup assist band, do pushups on your knees, don't lunge as deep etc..
    I thought the original program was a great program to start out on. I was VERY out of shape when I started it and could not imagine myself ever keeping up with the people in the videos. Now I can keep up right with them. One positive thing about starting a program when you are out of shape is that progress comes quickly in the beginning. And by progress I mean getting better at the moves and the ability to do more of them. I don't remember how long it took until I noticed weight coming off, but it definitely wasn't immediate.
    I hope you decide to do it and end up enjoying it. I still love the original program!
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    VKDarling...I start on July 7th. I'd love to have a buddy!

    Not sure which version she has me doing. I think she said it's 30 minute workouts because she knew I have limited time. I'm a single mom.

    And yes. She did say we'd work on modifying the without. Just every time I tell someone in doing it, I get the blank stare and then they say "Good luck with that." So they're freaking me out. LOL

    Since I'm in a test program and she's a Beachbody coach, she'd like me to start with 3000 cals a day and try that out for a bit. She did say if it didn't work we'd adjust. I know 1700 cals if I'm doing this type of program is not a good thing. I'd be starving myself of calories. Just didn't expect 3000.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    I don't know if you need to log in to use it, but beachbody has a calculator you can double check with your stats with: http://www.teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/nutrition-tools/caloric-needs

    Also, P90X workouts are longer than 30 minutes. Are you sure you're not doing P90X3? What was the name of your first workout?

    P.S. Don't worry about nailing every part of the workout or about people's reactions. The first time I did it I was obese and falling all over myself, couldn't even do a pushup on my knees (started off against a table). Now I can do over 100 push-ups on my toes in a 30 minute workout.
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    Maybe it's the P90X3. Not sure. I haven't started yet. I meet with my coach in the next week or so to do the fit test etc and I'm scheduled to start July 7th. :)
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    I actually looked back and it is P90X3....
  • ericzanetti
    ericzanetti Posts: 41 Member
    Don't get discouraged if you can't keep pace or complete the exercise exactly like it shows in the video. As long as you're moving, you're burning calories. The endurance and stamina will come with time. Just stick with it and you'll succeed.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Awesome, I'm doing P90X3 right now (nearing the end of Phase 2). It's a good one, just keep moving.

    You might want to see about getting in some yoga since you're not starting for a few weeks (anything on youtube for beginners and there are plenty of videos at the library). It will give you a jump start on stabilizing your core, balance, stability, flexibility, and even give you a good burn. They're all good things to have when you're strength training. You'll get more yoga once a week when you start the program but I think having experience with it before I started my first round gave me an edge.
  • meggyannpt
    meggyannpt Posts: 73 Member
    I'm in Week 3 of P90X3 now. I haven't had a change in weight, but I'm noticing I'm a little more toned around the waist. I just push myself as hard as I feel comfortable, you don't have to do everything they way they do it in the video and they always provide modifications. I'm noticing with each of the workouts that I've done that they get easier each time I do it. He's good about warming you up, though I would recommend using the Cold Start warm up for some (such as Agility X). Just do the best you can and you'll be amazed how quickly you see improvements!
  • lauractemple85
    lauractemple85 Posts: 109 Member
    You'll do great! When I started P90X I hadn't worked out A DAY IN MY LIFE. I decided to try it because my boyfriend at the time was doing it. Every workout has modified moves in case you have joint/knee/muscle issues. Plus you'll have the support of your family. Just take it one day at a time.
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I'm super nervous - but excited too. And with working with a coach and doing monthly fit tests, to see my progress, that'll be motivating, I hope!

    Any other people's experience - I welcome the info!!
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    I should warn you that beachbody coaches around here seem to have an addiction to copypasta. When they find out you are remotely interested in anything beachbody, they copy and paste walls of text and send it to you in your inbox or in forums in the hopes of becoming your beachbody coach. Of course they are insulted when called out on their automated techniques because they are "so busy" helping others and couldn't bother to read the part where you said you already have a coach helping you through P90X3. :laugh:

    P.S. The pic I sent you was just my 30 day. I'm a few weeks away from 60 though!
  • SmileyAmy1977
    SmileyAmy1977 Posts: 53 Member
    I should warn you that beachbody coaches around here seem to have an addiction to copypasta. When they find out you are remotely interested in anything beachbody, they copy and paste walls of text and send it to you in your inbox or in forums in the hopes of becoming your beachbody coach. Of course they are insulted when called out on their automated techniques because they are "so busy" helping others and couldn't bother to read the part where you said you already have a coach helping you through P90X3. :laugh:

    P.S. The pic I sent you was just my 30 day. I'm a few weeks away from 60 though!

    Haha... Good to know!! Yup - have a coach already and shes family - so I'm sticking with her.

    Your pics were great! Thanks for sharing!
  • DorseyJ618
    DorseyJ618 Posts: 61
    I'm starting p90x classic today! Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    3000 calories seems pretty high to me. I would question her on that one.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    3000 calories seems pretty high to me. I would question her on that one.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Yeah...where is she getting 3,000 calories from. I'm a male and I'm very active and I maintain around 2800 or so. I'm pretty skeptical of that calorie goal.
  • AngDenSti
    AngDenSti Posts: 184
    3000 calories seems pretty high to me. I would question her on that one.

    I'd say that's too high too. When you get the program, you can calculate your calorie needs and then adjust if needed. I started at 1800, but lowered to 1500 because I wasn't losing any weight. After that it started falling off quickly. I suggest getting a heartrate monitor/calorie counting watch too so that you know exactly how many calories you are burning with each workout. I completed all 90 days and had great results!!

    I'd start with a calculator like this one. good luck!!

  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    I've done P90, P90X and P90x3. Add me if you need support. There is a chart on page 18 in the nutrition guide to tell you how much to eat.