Looking for friends to keep me motivated!

RachMSU Posts: 1 Member
Hello everyone. I just had a baby in April and am looking to lose the baby weight. I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight but I was overweight before I got pregnant. My body looks totally different after the baby. I want to lose 40-45 pounds. I have tried EVERY diet in the past. I always seem to give up after a week or two. Hopefully this will work for me. Feel free to add me and help motivate me or tell me what worked for you!


  • crazyminxx
    crazyminxx Posts: 13 Member

    Congrats on your new baby.

    Weight loss is never easy but, there are a great group of people on this site (of course like anything there are a few negative ones as well). For me having encouraging people and watching their progress is a great motivator. The main thing to remember is even if you slip up log it. It helps you see where you need to make changes. Also don't beat up on yourself, if you have a bad day move on don't make it a bad week. Wishing you success!
  • GetFitWithPolina
    Losing weight and getting in shape can be very frustrating, especially after a baby. I gained 80 lbs with my last pregnancy and was desperate to lose the weight after the baby. Luckily, I found programs that worked for me which helped me lose the weight and get into amazing shape. What exercise program are you using?
  • Tinaaa5
    Tinaaa5 Posts: 9 Member
    First of all: Congrats to giving birth! And to dropping to your pre-pregnancy weight so quickly!

    I wish you all the best - we all can make it!
  • Rayeo
    Rayeo Posts: 10
    I'm trying to lose 50 from my pregnancy and maybe more!
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    Friend me. Looking for motivation and friends too