How can i time my diet right?

I go to university and I have barely any free time yet I'm conscious of the idea of eating fruit post cooked meal as that leads to fermentation (yuck).

A basic day would go: (I'm veggie please note this)

Wake: 7.00 AM
Breakfast around 7.45 AM - Usually cereal and berries or maybe an egg
Snack: Banana
Lunch: 12 PM usually a salad with a poached egg or something
Then I'll go home and work for a while (long time - lots of work)
Dinner: 6 PM usually wholegrain pasta or veggie sausages or something
then I'll work out (can't afford gym so I'm doing the Insanity work out)
Protein Shake: 9 PM - this consists of fruit, spinach, water and protein powder

BASICALLY I know I'm doing it all wrong. Can anyone help me time my meals better?
Thanks in advance x


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Meal timing is irrelevant. Eat whenever works for you. So long as you are getting all of your macros and micros and staying under your calories, you'll be fine.
  • chloefawn
    chloefawn Posts: 9
    Oh great! Thanks. So it doesn't really matter if I had fruit after a cooked meal?
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Meal timing is personal preference

    eta: but it doesn't seem like much food?
  • NutellaByTheSpoon
    Well I don't recommend eating after 3 hours before bedtime. But it's works for you than it does!
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    Oh great! Thanks. So it doesn't really matter if I had fruit after a cooked meal?

    It won't affect weight loss but only just digestive comfort
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Well I don't recommend eating after 3 hours before bedtime. But it's works for you than it does!

    Why? I eat ice cream less than an hour before bed all the time
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm conscious of the idea of eating fruit post cooked meal as that leads to fermentation (yuck).

    The what now? :huh:
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Well I don't recommend eating after 3 hours before bedtime. But it's works for you than it does!

    Why? I eat ice cream less than an hour before bed all the time

    ^^Yup. Doesn't matter when you eat. But I try not to eat right before a workout as I'll puke lol
  • chloefawn
    chloefawn Posts: 9
    I only learned about it today! Essentially there are different enzymes that digest fruit and they're a lot faster than the enzymes that digest say pasta. And what happens is this layer of fruit you've eaten after a cooked meal is digested quicker and ferments (i.e. liquifies) above a layer of undigested carby foods.

    I'm no scientist so it's all from my mouth there but that's essentially the jist. Been talking to a few people though and apparently all it does is increase your chances of wind haha.
  • chloefawn
    chloefawn Posts: 9
    Meal timing is personal preference

    eta: but it doesn't seem like much food?

    I know. But according to the fitnesspal app I reach my goal of 1,200 every day. If I feel like i haven't I just have some wholemeal toast and peanut butter or something.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Meal timing is personal preference

    eta: but it doesn't seem like much food?

    I know. But according to the fitnesspal app I reach my goal of 1,200 every day. If I feel like i haven't I just have some wholemeal toast and peanut butter or something.

    Honestly, with only 13 lbs to lose 1200 calories is pretty aggressive. With less weight to lose, the less aggressive of a deficit you want. Losing too fast increases the risk of muscle loss (which is ultimately what will make you look leaner at goal). I would pick a goal of .5 lb a week and see what MFP gives you or calculate your TDEE and not have to worry about exercise calories. This is a good read
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Meal timing is personal preference

    eta: but it doesn't seem like much food?

    I know. But according to the fitnesspal app I reach my goal of 1,200 every day. If I feel like i haven't I just have some wholemeal toast and peanut butter or something.

    With a whopping 13 pounds to lose you could stand to eat a bit more, 1200 calories is recommended for women who have a lot to lose, I can decipher pretty easily that you do not fall into that category.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Well I don't recommend eating after 3 hours before bedtime. But it's works for you than it does!
  • chloefawn
    chloefawn Posts: 9
    I'm roughly 117 lbs (scales broke) HOWEVER I am not 117 lbs and lean. I have a stomach I'd like to lose and some arm chub that needs to go.

    Thanks though! I'll probably up my intake.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I only learned about it today! Essentially there are different enzymes that digest fruit and they're a lot faster than the enzymes that digest say pasta. And what happens is this layer of fruit you've eaten after a cooked meal is digested quicker and ferments (i.e. liquifies) above a layer of undigested carby foods.

    I'm no scientist so it's all from my mouth there but that's essentially the jist. Been talking to a few people though and apparently all it does is increase your chances of wind haha.
    You do realize that much food just might ferment and liquidity while in the digestion process?

    Just eat whenever it suits your fancy and try not to overthinking it too much. :smile:
  • chloefawn
    chloefawn Posts: 9
    Meal timing is personal preference

    eta: but it doesn't seem like much food?

    I know. But according to the fitnesspal app I reach my goal of 1,200 every day. If I feel like i haven't I just have some wholemeal toast and peanut butter or something.

    Honestly, with only 13 lbs to lose 1200 calories is pretty aggressive. With less weight to lose, the less aggressive of a deficit you want. Losing too fast increases the risk of muscle loss (which is ultimately what will make you look leaner at goal). I would pick a goal of .5 lb a week and see what MFP gives you or calculate your TDEE and not have to worry about exercise calories. This is a good read

    Thanks for the links they're really useful. I had no idea I was eating so little. I'll look into healthily upping my intake. Thanks.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Meal timing is personal preference

    eta: but it doesn't seem like much food?

    I know. But according to the fitnesspal app I reach my goal of 1,200 every day. If I feel like i haven't I just have some wholemeal toast and peanut butter or something.

    Honestly, with only 13 lbs to lose 1200 calories is pretty aggressive. With less weight to lose, the less aggressive of a deficit you want. Losing too fast increases the risk of muscle loss (which is ultimately what will make you look leaner at goal). I would pick a goal of .5 lb a week and see what MFP gives you or calculate your TDEE and not have to worry about exercise calories. This is a good read

    Thanks for the links they're really useful. I had no idea I was eating so little. I'll look into healthily upping my intake. Thanks.

    Np! I'd probably go slow, like 50-100 calories added per week so that the scales don't go crazy and get confusing. Once you get to around .5-1lb a week loss with consistent logging you can stay there until you're ready to maintain and so the same slow adding calorie thing.
  • HungryasFuark
    HungryasFuark Posts: 463 Member
    1200 while doing insanity + University life style that's a lot of activity! i think u can easily lose on 1800 or more lol

    if u are 117 and not lean then u shouldn't lose 13 pounds coz what u need is muscle mass ( toning ) not just fat loss maybe shed 5 pounds or something and start building strength , if u don't have access to a gym u can try P 90 x or any home strength workouts