struggling with belly fat

Hi again so i am returning to fitness pal for the last hurdle BELLY FAT. Ive lost a huge amount weight more than what you see on the pal infact, but i have stayed at my current weight for around 3 - 4 months so it's time to go back to the beginning strict eating strict training i have completed a round of insanity and now i am on a 10 week body transformation training 7 days a week ? i know 7 i questioned it but thats what it says according to mens health potentially i could drop 2 stone :ohwell: that wont happen but as long as it goes down that's fine by me. It consists of.

2 DAYS MAX CARDIO LEVEL 2 INSANITY TRAINING this was my own tweek to the program love it dont be scared try it it's amazing.

Be good to hear of anyone else struggling with belly fat or has beaten the fat and how they overcame it so far i'm stumped. i seem to have loads of muscle everywhere but just a layer of fat which makes me feel peeed off :mad: . i will get there this is the beginning of the end :wink:


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Fat loss comes down to genetics. Lose weight as a sustainable pace, lift heavy, and get a good amount of protein ( typically 1g per pound of lean body mass ). Patience. You've done wonderfully, keep up the great work! Honestly, I had to lose an extra 10 lbs from my original goal to see significant change in my stomach, purely because my genetics make my low stomach the last area I lose from
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    First great job on the loss, but I'm a bit confused.

    What do you consider strict? Did you follow a sustainable plan in the beginning? What changed? Maybe you need to just find a happy level of loss that you can maintain without. Just a thought...
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    You simply have to maintain a deficit long enough to get to your desired BF%. The stomach is normally the first place a man will gain fat and the last place he will lose it from. I would also stop doing so much cardio and start an intelligently designed weightlifting program focused on progression to maintain lean muscle mass while losing the fat, 7 days a week is also not required. If cardio is something you enjoy then by all means continue to do it, but if you are doing it for the sole purpose of fat loss it's not required, fat can be lost with a deficit alone.
  • dannyjones26
    Thanx and you 2lbs to go get in there :tongue:

    In the beginning i used to train for 1.5 hours a day and consumed around 800 calories thats strict stupid and it cant be kept up but i did lose weight quick mainly due to my size. As i then got down to a weight i was more comfortable with i changed my training got more experimental but didnt worry about eating less clean foods and before i knew it i wasn't watching my foods at all. I have not put weight back on at all because i train all the time but i have simply remained the same weight and hate my belly and think i have just realised i need to be more focussed. When i say strict i dont mean stupidly low intake because i know from experience it wont work i just mean being strictly focussed on eating clean calories again and doing this program should get me where i want to be.
  • dannyjones26
    Agreed Jeff the program i am now doing is only cardio on a saturday and sunday 45 mins the rest is all weights for 5 days. I am also still a bit baffled by the 7 day thing i always thought it was'nt good for the body not to rest . I dont mind i do best when i am focussed on something like insanity for instance that was 6 days a week and great fun good results highly recommend it. I will do this challenge because it will get me fitter and stronger and it's a challenge. I had previously done this program for two weeks but i pulled my back and had to stop for over a week but i felt really good and could see a lot of changes happening in just that short amount of time so im excited to crack on.
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