How do you push yourself?

I just finished a new setting on my elliptical trainer (sweat is still running down my face as I write this LOL). I normally do the fat burn setting, but it was getting too easy, so I tried the interval setting. crap!!! It was tough! But I'll be honest, even though I'm still huffing, puffing, and sweating, I FEEL GREAT!

Why? Well, because I'm always setting new fitness goals for myself. Some small (being able to do a push up on my toes) and some big (running/finishing a half-marathon before I'm 40). Halfway through the new workout I thought, "I'm in over my head here. I'm only gonna do the 35 minutes I put on the timer." As I headed towards the last part of the interval, I thought, "Yeah! I made it...and I feel pretty good." So I did another 10 more minutes, burning 310 calories as opposed to 260. Ahhh, the small victories! Since I am a runner, live in the Midwest, and the weather isn't always cooperative, I need to keep the pace high on any crosstraining equipment, so I also push myself to keep my pace between 7 and 8 mph, regardless of resistance.

Too much? Maybe. But I have found that if I don't set small goals and challenges like that, I'll get bored. What happens when I get bored? I quit! I don't want to quit. This is a lifestyle change for me, not just a way to lose weight. Not to mention, I love doing something different and accomplishing it because it shows me I can do anything I set my mind to! It's an amazing feeling and keeps me motivated.

So, how do you push yourself? Get through one last song? Exercise with someone in a littleI bit better shape than you and try to keep up? Tell me! Inquiring minds want to know! ;-)

Sorry it's so wordy!


  • mrssturgeon7911
    mrssturgeon7911 Posts: 19 Member
    My husband. He is absolutely amazing. I did step ups today with more weight and a higher step. It was really really really tough but to hear him say "cmon honey i know you can do it" is absolutely the support I need. He even says he HAS to go workout with me now cause he feels "lame" if he doesn't and I do. Lol.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I pic music that gets me fired up and I just keep digging. I am on to HIIT training now on the cybex arc and I love it. Good job and keep it up.
  • valentine72
    I'm a runner also. I focus on my next race and push myself from within. I also look at it like how many cal. I burn now I can eat something else! lol!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I tried Tabata on the elliptical.

    3 minutes warm up
    Set the resistance as high as it will go
    20 seconds has hard as you can go
    10 seconds of rest (either just moving or stopping)
    alternate for 4 minutes total.

    I thought pffft...4 minutes whatever.

    2 minutes I think my legs went numb...4 minutes and I thought I was going to puke.
    Sooo I am incorporating that into my cardio regime now.
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    I tried Tabata on the elliptical.

    3 minutes warm up
    Set the resistance as high as it will go
    20 seconds has hard as you can go
    10 seconds of rest (either just moving or stopping)
    alternate for 4 minutes total.

    I thought pffft...4 minutes whatever.

    2 minutes I think my legs went numb...4 minutes and I thought I was going to puke.
    Sooo I am incorporating that into my cardio regime now.

    Nice!!! I might have to try that now! :-D
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    Holy moLy! I tried the interval setting on the elliptical this morning as well and I had to stop a little more than half way through and do the manual setting. I usually do the weight loss one but wanted to try something new today. I'm getting married next year so picturing myself in my dress is what helps me to push through tough spots, although this morning I was in way over my head!!!
  • buffalorain
    buffalorain Posts: 17 Member
    When I'm running and I feel like I can't possibly go on, I think of my brother in law in Afghanistan in full gear with a 50+ lb pack on his back, fighting for our country. He is very inspiring in so many ways!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    It might sound silly, but I use a visualization technique. I imagine myself at my ideal weight, how I will feel, etc. I know I can only get there by completing my workouts, staying in my calorie range, and taking one day at a time. I also focus on how I will feel when I complete my exercise and I also imagine how I will feel if i don't. That usually pushes me forward to complete it, to not give up. I feel horrible if i don't do a workout I planned to do. I think sometimes we train ourselves that it's OK to not do something - we find excuses. I'm trying to train myself to do what I set out to do, to reach this goal. It's helped me push forward.
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    When I'm running and I feel like I can't possibly go on, I think of my brother in law in Afghanistan in full gear with a 50+ lb pack on his back, fighting for our country. He is very inspiring in so many ways!

    That is great motivation! My brother served as well, so I'll keep that in mind the next time I want to give up. I hope your brother in law comes home safely!
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    It might sound silly, but I use a visualization technique. I imagine myself at my ideal weight, how I will feel, etc. I know I can only get there by completing my workouts, staying in my calorie range, and taking one day at a time. I also focus on how I will feel when I complete my exercise and I also imagine how I will feel if i don't. That usually pushes me forward to complete it, to not give up. I feel horrible if i don't do a workout I planned to do. I think sometimes we train ourselves that it's OK to not do something - we find excuses. I'm trying to train myself to do what I set out to do, to reach this goal. It's helped me push forward.

    That's not silly at all!!! When I first started losing my initial 57 pounds, I envisioned myself in a bikini, and I'll tell you what, that was a very powerful motivator. ;-)
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I focus on one thing and just use that to push myself because I know how awesome I'll look/feel/etc when that occassion comes up.

    My main "push" is thinking about Vegas in June for the NHL Awards -- lounging around the pool (we're staying at the hotel that hosted the players last year and is likely to have them again this year). We're big hockey fans, so I want to look my best in a bikini, soaking up the sun with the best of the NHL!
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I have a heart rate monitor so I find that I am usually pushing to hit a certain total burned, or an average burn of at least 10 calories per minute. The numbers seem to work for me though. I do try to mix it up so I am constantly challanged to do something more than I have done before.

    I have trouble visualizing myself thin probably because I don't think I ever have been. :laugh: But I will get there.
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    I focus on one thing and just use that to push myself because I know how awesome I'll look/feel/etc when that occassion comes up.

    My main "push" is thinking about Vegas in June for the NHL Awards -- lounging around the pool (we're staying at the hotel that hosted the players last year and is likely to have them again this year). We're big hockey fans, so I want to look my best in a bikini, soaking up the sun with the best of the NHL!

    Attending the NHL Awards is a goal of mine! That's so awesome that you're going! Hockey has been my fave sport for 15 years now. Say hi to Ovi for me! ;-)