How to start lifting/doing weight training?

leen311 Posts: 13 Member
Hi! I'm a female and I want to start lifting weights to stop my weight loss plateau. Currently, I do some circuit training and interval treadmill workouts for weight loss. I use 5-8 pound weights if the videos I do require weights (I do some jillian michaels, some fitness blender). How do I start doing more weight training? Any programs or tips would be appreciated.


  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    If you want to kick start your body, do a beginner strength program. If you've never done one before, you'll make a lot of newbie progress very fast. Take your measurements before you start, because strength training adds a lot of random water weight fluctuation to your weight.

    It's best to find an existing, proven beginner strength program and follow it to the letter. Pay particular attention to the weight progressions, which should be fast at first. And pay attention to the de-load rules, which you'll use when you finally reach a strength plateau. Any strength program that doesn't have progression rules and de-load rules are not worth your time.

    These are all good programs.

    Starting Strength
    Stronglifts 5x5
    New Rules of Lifting
    all-pro beginner
    Strong Curves

    The programs have some differences, but the differences aren't important to novices. Just pick the one that looks like most fun and get started.
  • leen311
    leen311 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you!