30 Day Shred Shame

OMG Im terribly embarrassed, but thats why I joined this forum for support! So instead of crying myself to sleep Im posting :)

I haven't worked out in over year but I have been watching what I eat for the past month so I decided to try Jillian's 30DS, the first level. My goal is to actually complete all 3 levels and keep up with the pace. This will def take longer than 30 days.

I could only get through 3/4 of it even though I was doing the "easier" modifications. And I def couldnt keep up with the pace. Im so ashamed. I used 5lb weights. I am going to keep at it and hope that I will be able to keep up. But I was sooo exhausted and now Im sitting here 2 hours later and Im already sore!


  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Do lots of stretching afterwards to alleviate some of the soreness. Good on you for giving it a go. It will get slightly easier each time, just keeping going!
  • kimstwin
    kimstwin Posts: 136 Member
    Maybe you can do this every other day? You haven't been exercising so you might want to ease into it.

    Don't be ashamed, keep at it. Every time you do the workout, you will get a little better. Good luck!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    No need for shame or embarrassment! Just do what you can and as the days go by you will be able to get through it. Her videos are pretty tough. I did 30DS and then tried her Buns and Thighs video and could only make it through the first 10 minutes.

    Take all the time that you need to get through the 30 days. Make sure to throw in a few rest days as well.
  • LizELopez
    LizELopez Posts: 13 Member
    I am also doing the 30 day shred . I actually use 3 and 5 lbs weights . One the exercises that I feel like I am not doing my best I drop to the lighter weights and on others I use the 5lbs weights . I have only been doing it for 10 days but I can already feel a change in my endurance level. Whenever Im feeling unmotivated I come on MFP and look up 30 day shred result pictures and it motivates me again .
  • From what I've read about 30DS, lots of people struggle seriously in their first several days. Getting through 3/4 of it is great! It's more than I've dared attempt, though the DVD has been here next to my TV for months. Wish I had advice on the soreness, though I do like the suggestion to do it every other day. Could you just walk on the "off" days? Keep at it - you'll get there! (And take before & after pics - I absolutely love seeing the results from it! You'll probably inspire me to give it a go!)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    What the heck are you ashamed of? You just accomplished more than 75% of the population. Be proud. Keep at it. Do what you enjoy. Don't do 30DS because you have to, do it because you want to. If you want to do something else that you enjoy, do that too. This is a long journey. Might as well enjoy it.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member

    Don't be ashamed, keep at it. Every time you do the workout, you will get a little better. Good luck!

    This. It will take some time to be able to do the whole thing, just be patient with yourself. Also, make sure you have several sets of weights. I found that starting with lower weights helped me build up my stamina rather than fatiguing myself so quickly that I couldn't continue. Even if it is a can of soup or a bottle of water (I have used both!) being able to switch out my weights in the middle of a session helped me keep from quitting. Good luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    No shame! My first time through it I used 5lb weights too - it was all I had - and I regretted it for the next three days! :tongue: I was soooo sore! But I stuck with it (after a few days of rest), and it definitely took me longer than 30 days to do, which is fine - Jillian has been quoted saying she never intended it to be done for 30 days straight....but I got stronger, more flexible and my endurance increased with every workout.

    Doesn't matter if you follow the modified versions or the regular, just always do the best you can and stick with it. Listen to your body, take rest days for sure, take breaks during the workout if needed. You can do it!
  • CatAnne13
    CatAnne13 Posts: 1
    Do not be embarrassed! Last summer I decided I really wanted to buy a bike. I hadn't had one in probably 10 years but I figured it was time again and a good way to exercise. I could barely make it around the block before I had to stop. So do NOT be embarrassed by the fact that you made it 3/4 of the way through it.
  • Wow thank you to everyone who responded I actually am motivated to attempt again tomorrow, provided Im not to sore then Ill wait until following day. Im also relieved to hear this isnt a "walk in the park" workout to everyone else
  • dollbud40
    dollbud40 Posts: 118 Member
    You should be proud of yourself! That is a hard workout! Good for you! Give yourself a hug and be proud! You got this! :smile: Feel free to add me a s a friend! Lets encourage each other!!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yep agree with all the above posters. You've done great with starting - stick in with it!

    I was telling someone the other day I could barely swim 20 laps of the pool last year. Just completed a 1.5mile swim personal goal the other week. Everything takes time to build up to.
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    3/4 - WTG! No need to feel ashamed about that. I've been on MFP for over 2 years and I just tried that workout. Oh My - I found muscles I haven't seen in years. I couldn't move the next day. I may have made it to the end but by no means was I able to do everything - even using the modified version. If you do it tomorrow do it with lighter weights. I've seen people use water bottles to lighten the load. It's all about the movement.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,135 Member
    Don't be embarrassed or ashamed, that workout is quite the *kitten*-kicking! I was only today reading some reviews and read more than one fitness blogger who didn't make it all the way through day 1 the first time.

    I'm about to start doing it tonight, but only 2 days a week as I need a fast exercise filler for days I'm not TKD training. Honestly, I'll not be surprised if I'm joining you in here tomorrow having died at the 3/4 mark. Doesn't mean I won't do it again the next time!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    The only shame is not trying. It will get better the more you do it.
  • yungibear
    yungibear Posts: 138 Member
    There is no shame in this! I had been working out for over 3 months when I started the 30DS and I still found it tough! Honestly, I go back do a level occasionally, and I still get pretty beat up by the end of the session. You're doing great! Consistency is the key in building endurance!
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    In one month think about this day and you'll laugh!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Oh my goodness, you need to be super proud of yourself for starting it!!

    You will look back and see how far you have come - we all have to start somewhere. Good on you for doing it!
  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    There is no need to be embarassed. I started with Focus T25 Alpha. I have a tough time trying to keep up. My legs turn jello and my heart gives up after 10 mins. But remember that you are changing your lifestyle. It is not going to be easy. Persevering is the key. So just keep up with what you can do and soon you will complete all levels.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    you are probably going to have to struggle a bit first, it's not made to be easy :D but if you keep at it I'm sure you will improve quickly :)
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    There are many people in this world who couldn't do what you did today. And there are many people in this world that should have but didn't. Never regret a workout and keep pressing play!
  • BlueberryWatermelon
    BlueberryWatermelon Posts: 73 Member
    The first time doing the 30DS is hard for EVERYONE, trust me! I think I was sore for a week!

    Oh, and definitely use 3 pound weights to start! I've been doing the 30DS on and off for years, and I still don't do the entire thing with 5 pound weights. (I alternate between 3 and 5 now.)

    Congrats on making it this far!! Don't give up. :)
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    I was the same when I first started I had to stop 2-3 Times to catch my breath. I found it happened again when I moved to level 2. It does get easier though. I stuck with it and have incorporated so much more exercise so am much more fitter. I'm now 20 weeks pregnant and can keep up with level 1(with some modification) so just keep at it, it gets better.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,135 Member
    Oh and goodness, I only just did the math on 5lb dumbells (metric user here) and I'd have died if I'd tried that! I have dumbells with addable plates and for 30DS I use just the bars! about 3lbs, and that is a struggle by the 3rd round!
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Oh well, you have to start somewhere. Just keep at it and you won't be embarassed for long.
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    For the soreness - as hard as it is, try to take a short walk after you are done. Drink some water while doing it, I swear these help me!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Why feel shame? There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Fitness doesn't happen overnight. Just keep at it, and you'll get better.

    Or, find an exercise that you enjoy more. I've tried 30DS a few times (level 1) and I found it difficult, and boring. I struggled to complete it, and that was when I was already quite fit. I run, and I lift heavy weights, but 30DS is no fun for me at all, I loathe those aerobics type things. I tried it a few times because I had some silly notion that I "should" be able to do it, but you know what? Life's too short. I don't *need* to complete 30DS to be fit, or to believe that I'm fit. I'd rather go for a long run. Other people would rather spend an hour spinning, or go swimming, or hike up a mountain. Doing what you enjoy is a good way to make sure you keep doing it. :smile:
  • epadmeister
    epadmeister Posts: 102 Member
    Haha this was ME when I first started 30 Day Shred! Keep at it, well done for starting it! It makes you sweat a hell of a lot more than you think doesn't it, I was really surprised... I started by watching the video first thinking "ha this looks okay"... hell no XD

    P.S. By the last few days of Level 3 I was shouting at the TV "I. AM. NATALIEEE :mad: :explode: :drinker: " haha, your endurance improves a hell of a lot.

    Keep calm and follow Anita! :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • msflynnbly
    msflynnbly Posts: 46 Member
    This is such a hard workout you should be proud. I am on day 6 and the soreness is just subsiding! I do find if im sore as I start working out it does start to subside asked you get into it. Goodluck xx
  • sparks154
    sparks154 Posts: 4 Member
    When I started the 30DS I was seriously struggling with 2kg weights so I dropped it down to 1kg (approx. 2lbs) and I found it a lot easier. I know of someone doing the 30DS who lost a stone using just 1kg weights so there's no shame in it!!