Barely eating but gaining weight??? So frustrating

Ok please help me. The past 2 days I've eaten only fruit and vegetables and I've only seen myself get fatter. I don't understand because I've done so well and I can see myself getting bigger when I look in the mirror. I even tried adding a little protein yesterday and it just made things even worse for today because I'm even bigger. I literally don't understand what's happening here. And I know that I'm gaining because my clothes are getting tighter. I know I'm not underestimating how much I'm eating and most days it is under 600 calories. I understand that I am starving myself but I want to stop and I want to fix this myself without a doctor. I just need help finding a healthy diet I can do or just how to eat to lose weight fairly quickly and keep it off. I have tried so many diets and have resorted to starving, which worked for a while but obviously is no longer helping and is very unhealthy. Please help me I am so frustrated I'm tired of torturing myself for no results it's so defeating and I honestly have no idea what to do with myself at this point because I have run out of ideas. Thank you!


  • NutellaByTheSpoon
    You body became use to starving so for the first three days up it to 700 then a week later up to 750 then 3 days later up it 850 the a week later up to 1,000 etc. and make sure your exercising too.
  • ankershner
    I can see no reason other than gas/water bloat that you would actually notice a visible change in your body in three days. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water (so you don't retain it), and are exercising and eat ALL the food groups, not just fruit and veggies. Eating so little is not healthy and you're obviously torturing yourself.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    [img] for Forums/u9fVpSi_zps792e4355.gif[/img]

    What you wrote is impossible to happen in two days.
  • jsmommy1999
    jsmommy1999 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there. I found myself in a similar situation. How long have you been dieting? What is your exercise routine? For me the answer was years and 6 to 7 times a week. I am at a low weight but was finding it hard to maintain eating 1200 calories with intense workouts everyday. Turns out I had damaged my metabolism from years of working out and restricting calories. I am not trying to reset and am upping calories. I'm not saying this is what happened to you but am just wondering what your situation is.
  • Annesoucy1957
    You are probably bloated from the fruits and vegetables, specially if you were not eating them before your body needs to get use to them.

    The numbers on your scale will fluctuate on a daily basis and if this is upsetting you maybe you do need some help from a doctor to get you to have a healthier relationship with food.

    Eating so little and being overly concerned is not a good sign, wishing you the best.
  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    I think you need to see a medical professional. Please go talk to your doctor.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    from your last post on the forums

    "Hi. I have had problems with eating too little since 2012, my daily calorie intake being about 500 calories on average"

    you are gaining because your metabolism is severely damaged by your long-term eating disorder. no one can help you here. you need to see a specialist, preferably today.
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    Eating under 600 calories a day will definitely slow your metabolism. It's counterproductive to eat that little.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    It sounds like you are not eating enough, not waiting long enough to see results and honestly, losing quick is not the answer. It just doesn't work that way.

    Your weight will go up and down, you will retain water, you will have setbacks, you will learn that this isn't a race and it isn't all about getting the weight off.

    My focus in March was getting the weight off fast. Now I've realized I was living in a fool's paradise. Getting fit should be your goal and feeling good about you.

    I don't want to be a smaller version of myself, I want to be lean and fit and mean! So, that means you have to eat and fuel your body and wait it out.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    its impossible to gain weight on the amount of calories you are eating
    so either you're lying
    or your uh lying

    but keep posting topics like this that make you sound like you have an eating disorder... works real well in these forums
    *rolls eyes*

    this is counterproductive also. you shouldn't belittle ED. if she has disordered eating, she needs a specialist and to tell her family and friends to have a network of support.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I think you need to see a medical professional. Please go talk to your doctor.
  • CAVENA10
    CAVENA10 Posts: 1
    Barely eating is your problem.. Starvation does nothing for you except damage your body even more you need to eat 4-6 times a day... Not over indulge but eat proper foods... Without eating in the morning you metabolism never starts, and if you metabolism never starts you're not going to ever lose weight. Just because your eating fruits and veggies doesn't mean anything You should intake about 65% of Carbohydrates per day along with 30% Fat and 25% protein. Do so research to better help yourself but barely eating and only eating vegetables and fruits will not help you. You need a healthy balance between exercise and properly eating...The exercise is the easy part, the eating properly is the hard part... Good Luck
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Please seek professional help. We cannot help you here.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    You need medical intervention. Seek help.
  • StarPlatinumORA
    StarPlatinumORA Posts: 21 Member
    its impossible to gain weight on the amount of calories you are eating
    so either you're lying
    or your uh lying

    but keep posting topics like this that make you sound like you have an eating disorder... works real well in these forums
    *rolls eyes*

    Yeah, rolling your eyes at someone who probably does have something wrong, how lovely. If you wanted to make yourself sound like an unsympathetic arsehole, you succeeded! Congrats!
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    OK, so this is what you posted a couple of weeks ago:

    "Hi. I have had problems with eating too little since 2012, my daily calorie intake being about 500 calories on average. Sometimes I just fast on water or protein shakes....."

    "every time I try to eat more food or any carbs or even just a normal healthy diet, I get so huge in 1 FREAKING DAY and then I have to starve again to get it off."

    Like it or not, you need to see a medical professional.
  • amybird00
    amybird00 Posts: 1
    hi, i had the same problem a year and a half ago, i though.. if i eat less.. il weigh less.. thats not the issue whatsoever. I have lost 4 stone since last year, losing it little by little each week, your body needs a certain amount of fats and sugar to keep you functioning properly. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables ect.. and also at the moment i am eating 6 small ,eals a day, for instance;

    breakfast; 30g special k with semi skimmed milk

    mid morning snack; handful of blueberries- or any kind of fruit

    lunch; tuna salad and a piece of fruit

    mid afternoon snack; handful of nuts or berries

    tea; vegetable chili with a small jacket potato and lots of salad.

    This works for me i am being so serious... it is very hard at first but if you have the willpower, you will do it,
    If i ate a good meal, i felt good about myself, eaten healthy all day, i feel brilliant.
    a year later i weigh a healthy 9stone 10 and still losing, from 14 stone, that is a real achievement, and you can do it too.
    Focus on something to work towards, a bikini body maybe/ a new holiday/ new clothes.
    I worked towards getting married in a nice fitted dress, a year later i am in that slim figured dress, fishtail design, getting married on 15th november 2014. and couldnt be more happier.

    If anybody would like tips or advice, please dont hesitate to message me.
    Amy(future mrs spink)
  • jtrack3d
    jtrack3d Posts: 91
    1. If you torture your self by starvation there is NO way you will stick to a long term diet change. So starving is not the solution.
    2. A diet is for the long haul NOT for 3 days... your body will fluctuate due to too many factors to analyze.
    3. Starving yourself can actually defeat you because your body thinks you are dying and tries to save you by SLOWING your metabolism.

    So, there are several things that can go wrong.
    1. You completely underestimate what you eat.
    2. You completely overestimate how many calories you burn.
    3. You eat too little
    4. You eat too much.

    Also, eating only fruit and you will be starving all the time because proteins are what makes you fill more full. Even if you are vegan you can get protein in that diet and filling more full will keep you going long term.

    So, DONT worry about 3 days of starving... DO worry about a long term plan and try to eat a smaller deficit and expect slow steady losses over a looooong period of time... very looong depending on how much you have to lose.

    For me... 15 lbs in 3 months. or about 1 lb a week.... and expect occasionally up swings as your body composition is changing. I will swing up a lb for as much as two weeks and then wham... it turns around.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Talk to your parents. Talk to a doctor. Hopefully someone intervenes in what you are doing if you don't seek help on your own.