Looking for Motivation and Accountability

Frita1025 Posts: 10 Member
Hi Everyone!
I am Cheryl and am looking for a buddy or group that I can team up with for better accountability and motivation. Anyone up for the challenge, know a group I could join, or want a buddy? I have at least 50lbs to lose. Thanks in Advance!!!


  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    I am not sure about any groups, my you can friend me!
  • kansas_km
    kansas_km Posts: 73 Member
    I'm trying to lose 30#. When in menopause that isn't easy. You can friend me. I'm in a cool group called 30LC. We are all trying to drop atleast thirty pounds
  • isha_12
    isha_12 Posts: 9 Member
    What kind o motivation are you looking for? You can add me and see what I eat,maybe that could help. I want to lose 20 more pounds from where I am now which has always been my plateau. But this time I'm entering the US Army Guard and I have to lose 2 inches in my waist.

    Btw, I'm 31 and have always worked out but since last year's I started a lifestyle of no more dieting and I am always reading and trying to see what works for me. Maybe I can help u with that
  • Frita1025
    Frita1025 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Isha_12. I'll add you. I'll check out your diary, maybe that can give me some new food ideas! I appreciate the help!!! Maybe we can learn a bit from each other!!!
  • Frita1025
    Frita1025 Posts: 10 Member
    Kansas_km Thanks! I'll check the group out!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    You can add me if you'd like!
  • elliec63
    elliec63 Posts: 6
    Hi Ladybug! I just recently joined and need accountability too. Let's do this!:wink:
  • michellemykle
    michellemykle Posts: 6 Member
    You can add me too. I think that gym classes make me more accountable than working out on the machines by myself. When I went to the gym without taking classes, I would lose...but not nearly as much as I do now that I take classes.