Eating more to lose weight?

Hi. I have had problems with eating too little since 2012, my daily calorie intake being about 500 calories on average. Sometimes I just fast on water or protein shakes. This year I have tried to kick this bad habit but I didn't know how to and I ended up going overboard and gaining a bunch of weight even though I still wasn't eating that much. My theory is that my metabolism has slowed to a crawl or something, and it's really frustrating for me because every time I try to eat more food or any carbs or even just a normal healthy diet, I get so huge in 1 FREAKING DAY and then I have to starve again to get it off. It's a vicious cycle that I have tried to stop and I really just need it to be over. I know that starving is not the right way to lose all this weight I want to lose (15 pounds), but I don't know how to switch to a healthy diet without gaining weight. I need to lose 15 pounds as soon as possible, so please help me! Also, how do I add carbs back into my diet? And what should I do as far as exercise? I want to be skinny and fit but I have lost most of my muscle from starving and this has all backfired because now I'm fat and can't lose anymore weight even though I'm still continuing to starve. Please help me to get out of this hole and lose weight in a healthier way but still as quickly as possible! Thank you :)


  • Hi, difficult to tell you anything but to consult a doctor , you need guidance from a professional.

    Take care of your health, it is important.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Okay, calm down. You can't get HUGE in one day. It is possible that your maintenance calory intake has been lowered due to the fact that you've starved yourself for so long. You need to gradually work your way back up to a minimum of 1200 calories a day. You can't make these change overnight. You can't go from eating 500 calories a day for years to all of a sudden one day you eat 3500 and not expect to feel discomfort. You are going to gain a little to start with until your metabolism gets "reset" so to speak. Stop freaking out about it. Loosing 15 pounds is not going ot happen quick either so get that idea out of your head. Make sure you get enough protein, fats and carbs. Fats are for digestion/absorbtion of minerals (I think), protein for muscle and carbs for energy. Each day eat 100 more calories until the day before. Today eat 500, tomorrow 600, the next day 700 and so on until you reach 1000. Do 1000 for a few days and then go up again 100 a day until you get to 1200. You need to slowly work your body back to where it needs to be. Shocking it with caloric overload won't do you any good. Oh and see a doctor because I believe you have an eating disorder.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Hi. I have had problems with eating too little since 2012, my daily calorie intake being about 500 calories on average. Sometimes I just fast on water or protein shakes. This year I have tried to kick this bad habit but I didn't know how to and I ended up going overboard and gaining a bunch of weight even though I still wasn't eating that much. My theory is that my metabolism has slowed to a crawl or something, and it's really frustrating for me because every time I try to eat more food or any carbs or even just a normal healthy diet, I get so huge in 1 FREAKING DAY and then I have to starve again to get it off. It's a vicious cycle that I have tried to stop and I really just need it to be over. I know that starving is not the right way to lose all this weight I want to lose (15 pounds), but I don't know how to switch to a healthy diet without gaining weight. I need to lose 15 pounds as soon as possible, so please help me! Also, how do I add carbs back into my diet? And what should I do as far as exercise? I want to be skinny and fit but I have lost most of my muscle from starving and this has all backfired because now I'm fat and can't lose anymore weight even though I'm still continuing to starve. Please help me to get out of this hole and lose weight in a healthier way but still as quickly as possible! Thank you :)

    You need to consult a doctor this is ED material here
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Please seek professional help. We cannot help you here.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Please seek professional help. We cannot help you here.
  • 14chuppy75
    14chuppy75 Posts: 1 Member
    If you think that your metabolism is on the fritz then you should do some research. If your metabolism is "slow" no matter how hard you try you will not lose. Check out this site:

    She created a diet which helps boost your metabolism.

    I agree with everyone else though. Your thought process and what you are doing is not good. Consult a doctor.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    If you think that your metabolism is on the fritz then you should do some research. If your metabolism is "slow" no matter how hard you try you will not lose. Check out this site:

    She created a diet which helps boost your metabolism.

    I agree with everyone else though. Your thought process and what you are doing is not good. Consult a doctor.


    I'm not sure where you are located, but you can go to this website and get help. You can call the number listed below or go to the website and chat online. Please seek help through the following website and/or speaking with your parents and/or a trusted adult.

    You are not alone. Help is just a call or click away.
    If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, we are here to help.
    • Call our toll free, confidential Helpline at 1-800-931-2237
    • Click to chat with a Helpline volunteer
    We are here every Monday-Thursday from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (EST). Our helpline volunteers will be there to offer support and guidance with compassion and understanding.

    Here is another link for your parents or trusted adult. Maybe show them your threads.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member

    Please seek professional help. We cannot help you here.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi. I have had problems with eating too little since 2012, my daily calorie intake being about 500 calories on average. Sometimes I just fast on water or protein shakes. This year I have tried to kick this bad habit but I didn't know how to and I ended up going overboard and gaining a bunch of weight even though I still wasn't eating that much. My theory is that my metabolism has slowed to a crawl or something, and it's really frustrating for me because every time I try to eat more food or any carbs or even just a normal healthy diet, I get so huge in 1 FREAKING DAY and then I have to starve again to get it off. It's a vicious cycle that I have tried to stop and I really just need it to be over. I know that starving is not the right way to lose all this weight I want to lose (15 pounds), but I don't know how to switch to a healthy diet without gaining weight. I need to lose 15 pounds as soon as possible, so please help me! Also, how do I add carbs back into my diet? And what should I do as far as exercise? I want to be skinny and fit but I have lost most of my muscle from starving and this has all backfired because now I'm fat and can't lose anymore weight even though I'm still continuing to starve. Please help me to get out of this hole and lose weight in a healthier way but still as quickly as possible! Thank you :)

    Listen to me... You need to consult a Doctor and I am dead, let me repeat that DEAD serious, no one, absolutely no one on MFP or any other site can give you the right advice.

    You have taken the first step and I'm super proud of you but now you need to consult a doctor, then yes come back here and we'll gladly help you.

    YOUR HEART CAN QUIT if you add food/calories = weight too fast when you have been on such a low amount. Please listen to me and go to a doctor and get good advice.

    Trust me the World needs you in it!