Recovering from a Restrictive Eating Disorder =)

Hi there!
I'm an 18 year old girl, 5'2 101-103 pounds (Even though I'm learning not to care) and I want to recover from my restrictive eating disorder!

I used to have anorexia which turned into restrictive eating (not allowing myself to eat till 8pm and then eating my daily cals all at once which was 1500 which I now know is too low)

Anyway I just deleted a bunch of people who were even close to triggering my restrictive eating and now I need new friends =c
So please if you are working on recovering, or just maintaining a healthy life style feel free to leave me a message or give me an add :)


  • seekingjoyandfitness
    Hi! I would love to be a supportive friend :) Message me/ Friend me if you would like :)
  • Owlibee
    Owlibee Posts: 138 Member
    I would love to help

    I was anorexic myself 4 years ago and a recent bout of anxiety has seen my weight plummet by about 2 stone

    I am here if you need to talk/ support
  • SeekingFitness
    Add m if you want! I'm also trying to recover from an eating disorder. Restrictive/binging. You can get through it! Good luck!
  • dsm0146
    dsm0146 Posts: 1 Member
    I would also love to help you!

    I am 20, 5'4", and I'm guessing around 110 right now (Not completely sure because I am not allowed to have scales anymore). I am in the process of recovering from EDNOS restrictive type. I want so badly to be fully recovered and healthy and happy.

    Once I started trying to recover after all the restriction, my body went into HYPERDRIVE. I was sooooo hungry all the time. I wanted to eat everything (and still do) but at the same time, all of my ED thoughts made me feel guilty for eating still. Slowly I have started to embrace eating as much as my body wants. When you have restricted your body for awhile, it is a NORMAL and NATURAL response for it to want to eat everything in sight. Your body needs a LOT of calories to recover and undo the damage we have done. They actually recommend AT LEAST 3000 calories a day to recover for our age group.
    It's hard, but the only way to get over this mentally and physically is to fight those ED thoughts as hard as you can, LET GO of everything you once thought about food, and realize that you are SO much more than your weight.