When did you notice?

When did you guys notice a difference in your clothes after you started losing weight? I'm 10lbs down, but I feel mind over matter... I not sure when to expect to see a difference.


  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I've had this discussion with people I work with. I am down 31lbs and I don't find I look different. They said it is because I see my self every day so the changes are little and go unnoticed to me where they see all the changes at once, because with rotating shifts it could be a few days or weeks before I see someone, so it more of a big dramatic look at once to them.

    Around the 15lb mark I started noticing my closed fit looser and starting to become baggy. I don't notice it in my physical features still but in my physical strength. Around the 20-25lb lost I noticed the strength difference. I did the 30day shred. When I started I couldn't do the workout all at once. I had to stop and take a lot of breaks even though she says just take a 5sec break and keep going. Reality was I had to stop after every circuit for the most part. I started off with 3lb weights and at time struggles. At the end I was using the 5lbs and only having to make a few odd 5secs break. So physically I can feel the difference in my strength and endurance

    It really just depends on how you want to measure your accomplishment.
  • TminusFitnessN321
    TminusFitnessN321 Posts: 58 Member
    I've had this discussion with people I work with. I am down 31lbs and I don't find I look different. They said it is because I see my self every day so the changes are little and go unnoticed to me where they see all the changes at once, because with rotating shifts it could be a few days or weeks before I see someone, so it more of a big dramatic look at once to them.

    Around the 15lb mark I started noticing my closed fit looser and starting to become baggy. I don't notice it in my physical features still but in my physical strength. Around the 20-25lb lost I noticed the strength difference. I did the 30day shred. When I started I couldn't do the workout all at once. I had to stop and take a lot of breaks even though she says just take a 5sec break and keep going. Reality was I had to stop after every circuit for the most part. I started off with 3lb weights and at time struggles. At the end I was using the 5lbs and only having to make a few odd 5secs break. So physically I can feel the difference in my strength and endurance

    It really just depends on how you want to measure your accomplishment.

    That part about your coworkers makes a lot of sense. I didn't look at it that way. Thanks for sharing.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I wore mostly the same clothes from my highest weight of 307 all the way down to about 250...but then when I hit the 240s it was like all of a sudden EVERYTHING looked insane on me, practically overnight. I remember looking in the mirror one day at work and realizing my huge rolls of back fat were gone and my cardigan was just hanging there like an empty sleeping bag, it was freakish and awful but also quite cool to realize how much I'd changed!

    After that (on my way down to currently 179 lb) it has seemed to be about every 10-15 lb that I notice clothes are hanging off me differently and need adjustment and/or replacement.
  • TminusFitnessN321
    TminusFitnessN321 Posts: 58 Member
    I wore mostly the same clothes from my highest weight of 307 all the way down to about 250...but then when I hit the 240s it was like all of a sudden EVERYTHING looked insane on me, practically overnight. I remember looking in the mirror one day at work and realizing my huge rolls of back fat were gone and my cardigan was just hanging there like an empty sleeping bag, it was freakish and awful but also quite cool to realize how much I'd changed!

    After that (on my way down to currently 179 lb) it has seemed to be about every 10-15 lb that I notice clothes are hanging off me differently and need adjustment and/or replacement.

    That's funny. Hopefully I'll see a difference in the next 5lbs or so.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I think I started noticing my clothes were too big around 15-18 lbs lost. I still wear most of them with my belt a bit tighter, but just this past wkend I had to breakdown and finally get rid of a couple of shirts and 2 pairs of work pants. I am able to dry most of my pants/shirts now b/c I find that they are too large if I don't. I welcome the "dryer shrink" now :laugh:
  • 8675309walker
    8675309walker Posts: 25 Member
    14Lbs! I just changed my weight loss goals today. In the beginning I wanted to get back the weight I had been for most of my mairrage (140). Now that I am so close I have decided to get back to my pre-mairrage weight of 125. I will probably regret it but I am at least going to try. Still on Adtkins >25 carbs a day.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I am 5' 3 1/2" and if I gain or lose 4 pounds I can always tell.
  • Ginger046
    Ginger046 Posts: 204 Member
    Im 10lbs down and the only change I've noticed is managing to fit into a pair of old jeans! I have 3 pairs all at different sizes and i can now fit into 2 of 3 pairs!!
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    It's a strange thing to wake up and almost everything is just hanging. I can't remember when but it was around the 25lb mark. Some of my dress pants are loose but still fit. Some look crazy and I've put them in the donate section of my closet. Most of my shirts are done. They just look like to loose to wear.

    My coworkers noticed around the 27-30lb mark.
  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    after losing 10-12lbs .. but i actually got my clothes stitched lose.. so idk for real
  • carrie_lake
    carrie_lake Posts: 3 Member
    I think it really varies for each person. A co-worker of mine and I have been dieting together. We lost the same amount of weight but she started out being smaller than I was to begin with. At the 15lb mark, her pants started becoming saggy. At the 15 lb mark for me, I haven't really seen much of a change. Other people say they can tell but I still feel the same.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    My SO claims he can see a difference (down 19lbs right now) but I didn't really notice until today. I was looking at myself in the bathroom mirror at work and tugged on the back of my dress. There's more fabric! I pinched, and realized I could easily have the thing brought in an inch to fit me better.

    Still, I recommend taking before and after pictures. Take a picture every month and compare. You might not notice until you see the results side-by-side.
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    I welcome the "dryer shrink" now

    This has been my favorite part.
  • KESaylor
    KESaylor Posts: 6 Member
    I try not to be discouraged when I don't notice a change in my size or measurements. I do see a difference in my endurance. For instance, my driveway is very steep. When I get the mail, I am not winded when I get back up to the top of the driveway. Also, when I am walking on the treadmill (on humid days), the time flies by a little quicker because every step I take is not a chore.

    The way I look at it... my body knows what to do. If I eat properly, remember to drink lots of water, exercise moderately and track everything daily, my body will do the rest when the time is right.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    its been 10 lbs for me

    at my first 10 lbs loss I had to get a size down in slacks, so that is when I noticed the first time :)

    Im almost at another 10 lbs loss and I am ready to size down again. My pants are extremely loose. BUT, I am very short, so minimal weight loss makes big changes for me.
  • Novus175
    Novus175 Posts: 80
    There are so many factors involved in this - your starting weight, how your clothes fit before you started losing, your body shape, how much you exercise, what type of exercise you do, etc. There is certainly no universal answer.

    Between my starting weight of 225 and my current weight of 167 I've gone from a size 20 to a size 8 (so six sizes over 60ish pounds). When I started losing, I was changing pants sizes about every 7-10 pounds. When I got into the low 190s, I started needing new pants about every 5-7 pounds. I am a strawberry shape so I'm smaller on the bottom and lose pretty quickly in my stomach, hips, butt, and legs. My top half, however, really hasn't changed much at all - from 1X/XL shirts to L. And I didn't need new bras until I'd lost about 50 pounds.
  • 26MORE2GO
    26MORE2GO Posts: 21 Member
    After the 1st month (8 pounds)!

    Purchased 2 new work shirts in early 2013. In just a few months I was too big for those shirts and went and purchased 1 more (larger) shirt. After shedding 8 pounds from Feb to Mar (2014) I noticed that I could switch back from the larger shirt.

    Problem now is those two shirts are much too big for me. I want to drop more fat/size before I purchase any more (final weight) shirts.

    Good story too:

    The other day I put on a pair of Jeans and a Shirt that I had purchased way back in 2011! I had only worn this outfit maybe 3 times. Long story shirt, I took my Little Brother to the store with me that same day. Were walking in, as this woman is walking out and she says something. I turn around and says, "excuse me?" She said, "Wow, you look strong!" I chuckled a bit and said, "Thank You."

    We took a few more steps inside the store and my Brother says, "Man, I thought she was talking to me!"

  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Surely it depends on height, starting weight, type of weight lost, where you are losing from, etc. etc... For me, I am 5'7" and it took 20 pounds to go down the first size. Maybe little tiny changes before that, but nothing significant. Other people started saying things to me about 10-15 in, but I didn't believe them :)
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I'm 38 pounds down. And it just hit me the other day. I went to the bathroom and caught a glimpse of myself in our door mirror and it was like "omg I'm smaller!" But untill then it felt/looked the same. However after about 15 pounds my dad said he noticed a big difference. And now at almost 40 he said he can really tell. My fiance on the other hand didn't notice still. He said he never really noticed I put on the 50 pounds over the course of our relationship so he's not really noticed it coming off either. Another few 12 pounds and Ill be about what I was when we met (220) but I'm planning on going farther with this. I wanna get to 150. That's the smallest ill have ever been.
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    I'm only 10 pounds down - but have lost a serious amount of fat...."my pants are falling down....my pants are falling down" :laugh: :blushing:

    For me, lifting weights shows me the fastest results....
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