Hello! Brand new today :)

Hello, I've been on MFP before, but then I've let excuses slide in and well, I deleted my account. I just had a rude of awakening very recently now I'm back! Quick intro :)

DISCLAIMER: Please take the time to read through my 'about me' section (same as below) as I do the same for everyone. If you send a friend request, please include a message, I will not accept any that do not include a message.

Hello! I’m Shannon -aka- TheFutureMrsM2015 (getting married September of 2015).

Earlier this year I made a commitment to get healthy, not skinny. I was to be turning 25 in March and I felt like I lived my life on the side lines, never actually living. I wanted to give myself another day to live with the love of my life. I researched and researched until my head exploded, so much information on the damn internet. But, you know what happened. Another round of fad diets, weight loss gimmicks and no weight loss.

I lived a not so great childhood, adopted into a family that seemed loving on the outside but riddled with mental and emotional abuse. 25 years of it and the only thing I felt I could control was my food. Last week, I was forced to cut off all contact with them due to threats and hateful messages. So much so, that I had to change contact information. It wasn’t what I wanted to happen, but it needed to. My idealized thought of the perfect family shattered. My daddy no longer there to walk me down the aisle. I was heart broken. But, then I realized my excuse of why I was fat and unhealthy was gone. I was scared. Now what? Now what if I try again and I fail? Worse yet, what if I succeed? I haven’t had much success in life…I’m scared of it. I self sabotage like the best.

But, now I’m feeling determined. I will succeed, it will take time though. It won’t happen overnight like I want. It won’t happen with pills, shakes or wraps. It won’t happen by binging then purging. It WILL happen with hard work, sweat, tears and determination.

I've been, recently diagnosed with a plethora of medical issues (PCOS, Pre-Diabetes, Hypothyroidism) and because of that, my doctor has recently put me on a very low carb, moderate protein and high fat diet. I got a lot of information, took classes and read up on this form of my new LIFESTYLE and will be starting it TOMORROW (6.25.14). Please note this when you look at my diary. I really want to stress that in being very closely watched by my doctors with everything I'm doing.

Highest Weight: 215 10/2013
Current Weight: 206?? Will weigh in 6.25 and update
1st Goal: 200
2nd Goal: 190
3rd Goal: 180
4th Goal: 170
5th Goal: 160
6th Goal: 150
7th Goal: 140
8th Goal: 130
UGW: 125?? I'll know when I get there!


  • Mary2814
    Mary2814 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ! I have been on MFP for 3 weeks now. Today is my first time using the message boards, I have been using app on my phone and I didn't see a way to connect to the message board through the app. I want to lose 50 pounds, I have lost 9 so far. My goal weight is 146. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding : )
  • nycolepinkgirl
    nycolepinkgirl Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Future Mrs. M,

    My wedding date is April 18th, 2015. I'd like to get on here with people who have the same goals. I started here on June 8th and lost 4 LBS. I find it easy to stick to since I want to lose 50Lbs and I have about 6 months before I get my dress. If you want to befriends let me know.

  • nycolepinkgirl
    nycolepinkgirl Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm also new. I have gained a little weight from being sidelined with an Achilles injury and have to watch my calories very close so I can get ready for my wedding! Looking for people to share this experience, since I've never done a program before to lose weight!

    If you want to be friends let me know!
  • TheFutureMrsM2015
    Thank you all for the warm welcome!!