Getting Started.....AGAIN

myjourney16 Posts: 17 Member
Hi everyone,

As you can see from the subject, line I am getting started AGAIN! Thats right, I had a myfitnesspal again before and found I was using it for about a week and then I would drop off the bandwagon for two weeks and then repeat this cycle. I had no consistency in my healthy eating and would often end up avoiding myfitnesspal all together so that I would not know just how many calories my junk food just cost me! I feel the need to completely start fresh so I cannot look back at old posts and dwell on them. I am only focusing on my future! Given that, I have deleted my old account and created myself a completely new account.

Any tips or pointers to help me stay motivated would be really appreciated. While I feel that my mindset is different this time, I have said that many times before. I think something has finally clicked and I realized that I need to lose this weight!

Looking forward to my 'new' journey!!


  • Good4u2014
    Good4u2014 Posts: 2 Member
    Just know you are not the only one who has had to get started...AGAIN! There were many dates in my journal that said "This is the Day!" I too am starting...again. This time instead of a magical End Date I have decided that it comes down to one day at a meal at a step at a time. Try to pat yourself on the back for each GOOD decision you make. After so many "do overs" I started to lose faith in myself so I did the same thing. I ripped out the old pages of my journal & started fresh on myfitnesspal for my own self preservation.
    Look at this journey as many small (somedays itty bitty) steps and congratulate yourself for choosing good health each time. Rewarding yourself for what you have done right is much more motivating. Be good to yourself and try to enjoy the process! Before you know it you can say "Look what I have done!":smile:
  • StrongHealthyPowerful
    StrongHealthyPowerful Posts: 98 Member
    You can do it this time! Don't focus on the fact that you haven't stuck with this in the past. The past is past and you can only look forward. This time is the only time because this is the one where you stick with it.

    I definitely recommend trying your hardest to enter your food journal even if you've had two weeks of eating crap. The more you do it, the more you'll be faced with the hard truth about what you're eating. With junk food, entering it is usually pretty simple if you use the barcode scanner. Just make sure you adjust number of portions you've had if you have more than one. For me, I don't allow myself seconds until I've entered what I just ate, as well as what the seconds would add up to, to make sure I don't go over my calories. It doesn't always work, but it's a start.

    Another thing that helps me stay with it is measuring myself, along with weighing myself. Some weeks the number on the scale won't change but my measurements will, or vice versa.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • Choobey
    Choobey Posts: 78 Member
    I myself have started over again many times in my life through crazy times, but about a year ago I decided for once and final that I would just make better choices and eat better overall. I have always worked out, my problem is eating food in general. Not a junk food eater or anything like that. I did this using my fitness pal, I eat whatever I want really and just watch my calorie intake. It was hard the first few weeks I was hungry, but now I find that if I want something I just cut back later that day. I also try to stay within my caloric range strictly M-T, which helps tremendously. Keep your mind set right and you can do it! I always tell myself imagine where I would be if I never stopped and had to start over! GOOD LUCK! :bigsmile:
  • kwownow
    kwownow Posts: 43 Member
    Chooby--- love your statement -- where would I be if I never stopped and had to start over again. I just may put that on a stickie on my fridge. Sometimes you never know how a little bit of your wisdom will strike someone! Thank you. Angela
  • I am starting AGAIN myself!! Just got back on to MFP after 25 months of being away. Sadly my goal weight now was my starting weight then. Going to try and not dwell on it. Small steps, one at a time!
  • tannadine
    tannadine Posts: 115 Member
    That's great you're committed to getting back on it - I've had so many do-overs I've lost count but I am confident this time! Like one of the other posters, I've started thinking of it as one day at a time. I've got a long journey ahead of me, but taking it one day at a time, I'll get there. It's the only way to get there - going through the time, the process.

    All the very best on your fresh start - I'm sure you'll kill it. x
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Every day should be a new opportunity to start again. Don't get down on it, but learn from it. Weight loss is not easy, so just be glad you have not given up for good and keep trying! Feel free to add me for support!
  • myjourney16
    myjourney16 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for all the motivation! Definitely nice to see :)
  • :) good
  • Hey no worries! Take a lesson from Thomas Edison!

    Thomas Edison's teachers said he was "too stupid to learn anything." He was fired from his first two jobs for being "non-productive." As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps." Never Quit!
  • conniekat8
    conniekat8 Posts: 64 Member
    It happens, life almost never happens in a linear fashion (except maybe in fairy tales).
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Make smaller goals and outline rewards for yourself. For example, if I lose 5 lbs in June I'm buying myself a hibiscus tree. If I make it to the gym 3 days a week during July I'm buying myself Meet and Greet Passes for the Nick and Knight tour. Also, I set my ticker to smaller goals. For example instead of 47 pounds which seems huge, start with 10 lbs. Once you successfully lose 10 lbs move it to 20 lbs.