Staying motivated?

I am 26 years old (27 on 6/29) and have had Type 1 diabetes since I was 8 years old. I've always been overweight. I definitely have a food addiction, and struggle to keep the healthy nutritional balance that I know that I need.

I joined Planet Fitness over the weekend and have been the past two days, and plan to go at least one more time this week. I've looked up and have read so much information online about how to best start losing weight - it's been a bit overwhelming to say the least. The first day I struggled to do an entire 30 minutes of cardio, so I had to break and went back to finish the rest. Today I did a full 30, and though I was huffing and puffing and sweating like a pig it felt so good to be able accomplish that. I know 30 minutes is probably nothing compared to some of the workouts others do on here, but for someone who has never stepped foot in a gym I feel accomplished.

All of that aside, I want to know how people have been able to keep themselves motivated. How to stick with it on the days that your body is sore all over and you just don't wanna roll out of bed. I really want to be successful with my weight loss goals, so all suggestions are welcome. Thanks :)


  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Hi Danny,

    No secrets to weight loss. It's not sexy, it's not engaging or exhilarating. It just takes consistency, hard work and a big enough reason to want to do it. Health is everything. I'm still learning everyday myself. Keep trying and forgive yourself for bumps along the road. This website and my online support community have truly been one of the biggest factors for me success. Feel free to add me as a friend. I like to give and receive help

    Good luck !!
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    if you have a food addiction i would definitely seek out help, don't keep chasing this weightloss yo-yo-ing without getting some additional help.
    once i had an awareness and deep thorough understanding of how strongly tied my emotions were to my eating choices losing weight almost became dare i say "easy"

    i know emotions are intangible so it feels like fluffy stuff, but i can't stress enough how much this was a magic key.
    it made all the hard work, dedication (And disappointment at times) that much easier.

    motivation is fleeting you will need better skills in your tool belt than motivation.
  • jonathandavid_t
    jonathandavid_t Posts: 107 Member
    Motivation and inspiration are WAY overrated as tools to achieve goals in life.

    Consistency and discipline is needed.

    Showing up and doing SOMETHING, even if it's small.

    If you feel you're going to give up on 30 minute sessions, I'd suggest doing say 10 minute sessions. But do them regardless of how you feel. Become someone who never misses a workout. Create habits that can't help but lead to goals, rather than setting goals and forcing your lifestyle to work to them. A subtle difference but a change in focus - off the goal and onto the lifestyle.

    There's some great stuff on this sort of topic written by James Clear - it's all free online at

    Great effort with the workouts so far, though, seriously, but people saying "well done" and making you feel good is a short-term morale boost which won't make stick the adjustments you need/want to make to your lifestyle.

    I hope that makes sense. Please do read the James Clear stuff, especially the PDF "Foundations of strength" (it sounds like it's written for weightlifters, but really it's applicable to everyone).
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member

    I don't like to lose ground, so it's easier for me to keep moving forward. Even if my gains and victories are teensy tiny, they're still forward motion.

    Happy almost birthday! :)
  • dunkgreen
    dunkgreen Posts: 2
    I use sticky notes. I take a bunch of "Post-Its" and write my next 10 pounds I want to lose on them -- 196, 195, 194, etc. I then stick them on my wall. Every time I lose a pound, I take one off. I guess the reward of throwing a pound in the recycling does it for me! Good luck!
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    I wake up almost everyday wanting to be a better version of myself. And then, I do what it takes to accomplish that goal. Its all in ones desire and determination. May sound cheesy and 80`s, but if you don`t know what, the eye of the tiger is and feels like, you won`t get it.

    Best of luck
  • sheedy17
    sheedy17 Posts: 128
    Try picturing yourself what you would look like at your goal weight, I can never remember being under 200 pounds and I want to get to 170, what motivates me is getting down to that point to see what I would look like, I have no visual of what I would look like so I get excited thinking about it. It motivates me to push harder

    Feel free to add me and i would love to motivate you and help you out

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Join, or look on your library website for some really good audio books. Listen to them during cardio and weights. MYSTERIES are my favorites for workouts.
    I also work out first thing, before I talk myself out of it.

    Go for walks on days when you don't want to go to the gym. Just keep moving. And, most important: FUEL YOUR BODY.
  • mercurybubbles
    mercurybubbles Posts: 33 Member
    Motivation can be difficult sometimes. I lost over 40lbs withing a few months and then all of a sudden i just quit. Im happy to say im back at it again. With that said all i can say is try your best and never give up. If for some reason you happen to lose focus or motivation like i did remember you can always begin again. Try getting a work out buddy. Add people on here. I like leaving post it notes around in places like the mirror or fridge or door. Something to constantly remind me and push me on those hard days. Take pics of your self and keep records of weight and measurements so you have something to show you the difference you have made. Happy Birthday and good luck!