losing weight. p90x or insanity

hi my name is Francisco,
I started this year at 245 pounds.
My new years resolution was to be at my normal weight for the first time in my life.
By march I was at 225 and by middle of April I was at 215
I was eating 1250 calories a day.
my hrm was giving me a total count of burning 1950 calories on a 2 hour and 30 mins of treadmill at 3.5 mph and level 4 incline, so I was burning more than I was eating.
Lately I been trying to do the same thing but its hard, im depressed and I want to quit.
I tried doing the insanity but at the 4th work out my body is weak, shaking, and I want to throw up so bad.
I don't know what else to do.
I am still 65 pounds over my normal weight after losing about 30 pounds.

I gave my body a week of rest I thought I was maybe over working it so I rest the whole 7 days.
im thinking about doing the fruits and veggies and fruit shakes for a month, but I don't know if that is safe.



  • theburpeeking
    theburpeeking Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there Sir! Congrats on your weight loss!! However, you are not eating enough food. Most men should be eating around 1800 but never below 1600. Up your calories to get your strength back. Send me a message if you want to talk some more.
  • JamesBuchanonBarnes
    At different points in my life I have completed cycles on both of these programs.

    My advice will be this: If you can't do the workout--or at least modified versions until your body is able, you aren't going to get results comparable to something you can do. No matter what.

    I began P90X at a time in my life I was in great shape and still got my $%& kicked for the first month. I can't imagine what that would be like coming in cold. I'm not saying it's impossible; I am just saying that uphill battle would be one I don't think I personally would have the discipline for.

    With Insanity it was worse in a different way. I was able to handle the strength issues of it with little to no trouble, but the pace, intensity, etc of the workout was something I had a hard time dealing with.

    Basically, either way you do it, you're going to have to ease into it. You have a few options for this. I have known some people who've done the warmups and cool downs as instructed but picked half of the exercises to do from the main workouts for the first 2-4 weeks. Then they started over for a full 90/60-day cycle.

    What I would strongly recommend over that option would be to start with a lower impact program (if you are just dead set on at-home workout programs) like F25 or 10-minute trainer just to prepare your body (and probably more importantly your mind) for a more intense workout. The immediate results might not be as drastic as with something more intense, but the long-term benefit of being able to do more later on is well worth it.
  • kimdawnhayden
    kimdawnhayden Posts: 298 Member
    I think I agree with both posters. You need to up your calories. When I had worked out for awhile, I could eat more and get away with it. Basically your body is running better on it's fuel, but it needs more to continue working at that pace. Man, you really picked some programs to get started with. Both are intense in different ways. I think I would do p90x at first. Build up some muscle to burn more fat. Insanity is great, but really hard on the joints with all the jumping. With insanity, I would work as hard as I could, but take breaks until you work up to it. It really is an advanced workout. To me, p90x is more rounded and you get the endurance and strength building with built in breaks. Just don't quit totally. Turn down the intensity for a bit for now, your body is trying to tell you something. Listen to it.
  • heatherowen1977
    heatherowen1977 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far!!

    I tried the Power 90 system! It was great! It is like P90X, only less of the joint bothersome activities. I did this and lost about 15 pounds. I have not done this system for over a year, but I am able to control my eating more and also I have an at home elliptical machine, so that works as well.

    I would suggest the Power 90. It is still Tony Horton's program with dvds and eating plans and all.

    Hope this helps!
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I agree with the people above, eat lore calories and choose your exercise programs carefully. I started p90X at 314 and it changed my life. You can do it. You can modify where necessary. I modified a lot during my first two rounds . 4 rounds later 65 pounds down I still love P90X.

    So from my experience P90X is a great place to start. I agree with the person above - power 90 is a good place to start as well. Hold off on that program though because Beachbody just released P90 - the modern equivalent to power 90

    Either way P90 or P90X are great programs.

    I wish you well, feel free to add me if you'd like some extra support