Is this too much for protein bars?

Dedulaney Posts: 31 Member
So I'm about to have a weird schedule the next 6 weeks or so. For 4 days a week, I'll be getting up earlier than usual to eat something light for breakfast (Greek yogurt and fruit, something to that effect) and then heading to class for a workout before lecture (I'm in a physical therapy program). I won't have access to a fridge and so a lot of my breakfast options won't keep in my gym bag for an hour. I have a bunch of ideas ready to go (homemade trail mixes, etc). but I could also just bring a Quest bar and get on with it since time is limited. So would having the Quest bar 4 days a week for 6 weeks hinder me? I know about keeping up with my caloric intake/deficits but since I have limited experience with protein bars, didn't know if eating one that often for this period of time would hurt my diet.


  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    no issue at all
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    No, I tend to eat the same foods quite frequently and they haven't stopped weight loss at all.

    You'll be fine!
  • Itskaleena
    Itskaleena Posts: 157 Member
    I eat the same foods every day. Honestly if I could afford it I would eat a quest bar everyday.:p
  • andreamaym
    andreamaym Posts: 179 Member
    I eat Quest bars about 5x a week and it hasn't been an issue for me!
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member
    I literally have a protein bar every morning after my workouts (except my rest day). I've been just fine (ignore the ticker, I've actually lost 8.5lbs). It won't hinder you a bit just as long as you don't overload on the sugar :)
  • Dedulaney
    Dedulaney Posts: 31 Member
    Well, that's easy enough then! Heh thanks for the heads up, helps me a great deal.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    I love Quest bars but even eating one a day can get expensive since a box only has twelve.
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    I only eat Quest Bars after they've been microwaved, I find the texture not that great straight out of the wrapper. How about making your own protein bars or muffins?

    Loads of recipes online. My favourite are Apple Cinnamon muffins, or Jamie Easons Protein Cinnamon bread? (on - they are super quick and easy to make, and you can freeze a batch of them at a time.
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    I personally have a Zone bar every day for breakfast.

    You CAN have cold food in your gym bag - get an insulated lunch bag, they are usually sold with a gel pack to freeze.
  • Dedulaney
    Dedulaney Posts: 31 Member
    I've thought about trying my hand at making my own protein bars, just never really went past the "that'd be kinda cool" stage. I may hafta consider it more seriously now.
  • Itskaleena
    Itskaleena Posts: 157 Member
    I wish I could afford that. haha