
roslyn65 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I hate to exercise even though I know it's a vital part in becoming healthy. Any suggestions on how to get and stay motivated?


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Im right there with you . . . so to compensate I get up and put on my workout gear IMMEDIATELY and just get it done first thing in the morning. Get it over with while Im still half asleep so Im not articulate enough yet to form a good argument against it!

    I work full time so have to get up pretty early to fit this in . . . but it is all a choice, do I choose to sleep in and stay fat or do I choose to change myself into the healthy vital woman I know I am?
  • This sounds crazy but just get started slowy. I HATE exercise too, but the more I do it, the more it comes natural. Also if you can find someone to workout with and hold you accountable for showing up exercising will be easier.
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    I would say try to find an exercise that you enjoy doing. A lot of people are really into Zumba, which you can do through an actual class, DVDs, or they have the zumba game for Wii and Xbox 360. I actually just got the DVDs for myself since I'm too self conscious about starting right out with a class, and they came in the mail today and I can't wait to try them out.

    There's also Wii Fit Plus which is a blast, in my opinion. Although if you don't have a wii, you may not feel like investing in one, but I would recommend it.
  • simplexserenity
    simplexserenity Posts: 116 Member
    This is gonna sound funny but when I first lost my big chunk of weight I was REALLY motivated by The Biggest Loser. Watching those contestants who were like 2 times my size at the time made me realize that if THEY could do it then I damn well could too. I started out power walking a lot..getting outside, breathing fresh air, using weights after a while. Having an ipod with good music helps.

    If you're competitive at all, going to the gym and hopping on one of the machines next to someone else might keep you going longer. I always told myself that if I could last longer or go faster than the person next to me I'd get a better workout.

    If you'd rather stay home, there are a lot of DVD's that work great too. I've done Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, many of The Biggest Loser DVD's. A lot of these I play on my laptop while watching my favorite programs on TV too, which makes it go by faster.

    Having a buddy also helps a lot. Now that I have to workout way harder than I did when I first started, my sister and I do a Bootcamp together. If I don't go one day I feel like I'll let her down and vice having someone counting on you can help motivate you to go at least 3x a week.

    Always keep your goal in mind. If you want it bad enough, you'd be surprised at how fast your body will get off the couch lol.
  • roslyn65
    roslyn65 Posts: 6 Member
    Jesseleigh have you tried your Zumba DVD yet? I do have a Wii and want to try the Zumba
  • roslyn65
    roslyn65 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you guys for the great suggestions. I'm doing pretty good with my food choices which is half the battle. I'm going to set a goal for myself to seriously start working out on Saturday.
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