Am i there yet?

So after looking at pictures of myself at Christmas in January I decided I was sick of being obese so i decided to lose the weight. On January 18th i started eating right, cutting out sweets, crisps and all that stuff and cutting back to about 1200-1500 calories a day, high in protein, lots of fish and chicken (my usual would be cheerios for breakfast, a fat free Greek yogurt with honey for lunch and dinner would be fish, pasta with some basil pesto) . i also started working out 3 times a week (2 TRX classes and 1 spin class) as well as my job which is out doors and requires a lot of walking (5-7 hours a day)

anyway in January I weighed 19.2st. as of today (June 24th) i'm down to 14.1st. I am shocked that i got down 5st frankly and now friends and family keep asking if i plan on losing more and if yes that i shouldn't. now i'm 6ft and 28 years old so going on body mass index i'm at 27, which if i'm right is 2 point short of the 25 that says my BMI is considered normal and therefore i'm still overweight, if not obese anymore

. i still don't "look" normal weight. yes ok i was wearing trousers on a 42 inch waist before and now a 34 will fit me comfortably and i can wear a large top instead of extra large but i still have a gut... or maybe loose skin from losing so much weight in so short a time.

Part of me thinks ok time to switch to weight management and the other part says keep going till i'm down another 2st and be considered normal weight. Basically any tips, pointers, personal experiences etc that anyone can give on this would be greatly appreciated.


  • Laceyheart
    Laceyheart Posts: 9 Member
    BMI is more of a guide line. athletes can have a overweight bmi do to extra muscle and some one who is "skinny fat" can appear normal even tho they still could use to gain muscle and lose fat, anyways what im getting to here is dont take it to seriously. go with how you feel! do you feel happy with your weight? do you have the energy that you want? its your body and your life, take your friends and family opinion, but when it comes down to it, its your body and you're the one living with it. good luck!! :smile:
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Frankly, personally I would keep on going until you are at least in a healthy BMI range. You have been on your journey for just six months and I strongly believe that maintenance is the real tricky part of losing weight. So losing a bit more than originally planned might not be a bad idea, so you have a bit of room while you try to adjust to your new weight?

    At the end of the day I would go by what feels good for you and not really what your friends are saying.
    Best of luck
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Don't think of this as an "Either Or" decision. You could choose to do one for a month, see how it goes and reassess the situation then. I was a very "black or white" person and I find this way of thinking, which is new to me, very refreshing and liberating.

    Also, my second piece of advice is don't discuss your weight loss with too many people in real life.
  • gothomson
    gothomson Posts: 215 Member
    What Logg said, you're doing great but keep your discussions about weight loss to MFP. People on here generally know the score and can give practical advice from experience. I know that if my old mum was still alive she would tell me to be happy whatever weight I was because she loves me. However, if your overweight you dont need that kind of advice - even if its given with love and kindness.

    In short people on here will generally keep you on the right track, well thats what i've found anyway.