Any Crazy Cat Ladies ?



  • conniekat8
    conniekat8 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm just a crazy lady. :devil:

    Purrfect, we'll fix you up with a cat ;)
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    I love cats <3 every time i see a cat it starts to follow me haha =3

  • trillion30
    trillion30 Posts: 13 Member
    I have 5 kittybeasts, MonsterBoo is my 10yr old black boy, Custard Tart is a 5yr old dark brindle/tabby, Gizmo and jellybean are 4yr old Calico sisters and then Rogue is my year old grey tabby fur baby and a total mamma's boy.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Yep definitely a crazy cat lady .... current only one female bengal cat, Kali as her brother Seti was stolen 6 months ago ... I am hoping to adopt an abandoned kitten to keep her company, which we meet on Friday but it may not work out as bengals are quite vicious being 25% wild cat.

    wow those are beautiful

    My babies, one of which we lost :(
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Reporting for duty.

    All I really need now is a lead for my cat and a walking stick.

    My furbaby's name is Dave. I'd have more but the hubs "had to cap the animals somewhere". Pffft.
  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 111 Member
    I am! I just have one cat...ill post a photo later...I always say I'm lucky to have my boyfriend...or I would just have a house full of cats..
    Would love more, but my existing one wouldn't like it! Don't want her upset!
    Love cats and their funny ways :)
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Yep definitely a crazy cat lady .... current only one female bengal cat, Kali as her brother Seti was stolen 6 months ago ... I am hoping to adopt an abandoned kitten to keep her company, which we meet on Friday but it may not work out as bengals are quite vicious being 25% wild cat.

    wow those are beautiful

    My babies, one of which we lost :(

    Oh that grin bottom cute!

    I'm getting all kitteney-fever now, lol xD
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Yep definitely a crazy cat lady .... current only one female bengal cat, Kali as her brother Seti was stolen 6 months ago ... I am hoping to adopt an abandoned kitten to keep her company, which we meet on Friday but it may not work out as bengals are quite vicious being 25% wild cat.

    wow those are beautiful

    My babies, one of which we lost :(

    Awwww that lil baby!!! and love the white ones' eyes!!

    Sorry for the one you've lost :(
  • raelsea
    raelsea Posts: 11
    I have two boy kitties -- Turbo and Nitro. One is a pudgeball and the other is pretty skinny, but they're brothers and I adopted them together from the Humane Society. I love them so much!
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    Present & accounted for! I have 4 cats and holding! I also have 14 pet chickens & 2 mini call ducks....I am the crazy critter lady! If I lived out on a farm there would be no stopping me!

    I just started this journey yesterday, so I would love any support that ya'll are willing to give!
  • casiobarnes
    casiobarnes Posts: 78 Member
    I have two blue point siamese rescues. Tobias,14 and Kamiko, 5. My furry children because I'm not having any! :)
    J'adore blue points! And I'm loving all the Siamese action in this thread!!

    I've two kitties - a female, Applehead, Blue Tortie Point (Zsa Zsa) and a male, Seal Point Balinese (Bisou). We're only allowed two pets in our townhouse, else there would definitely be more!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Crazy Cat Lady Here!

    I just have one - she's around 7 (she's a rescue, so that's the Vet's guess at her age) - but she's my baby!

    I have a teenage daughter who can sometimes give me Attitude -

    My cat Fur NEVER has Attitude (or Cattitude)!

    I have a special stroller for her - we go on walks every weekend -

    She's in the pic with me!
  • jraines1973
    jraines1973 Posts: 231 Member
    I have two cats no kids they are my babies!!!
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I am!! I have 8 cats. :bigsmile:
  • sk8trchk
    sk8trchk Posts: 44 Member
    I too am a crazy cat lady. Currently have two. Logan (black cat that's afraid of everything) and Chewbacca (we believe his breed to be American *kitten*). I have 2 cat tattoos, one is of my boys and the other is in tribute to my Jethro Tull kitty.
  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    Me! Me! Maybe not so crazy, but yes Cat Lady for sure! I've had as many as 7, in my rescue and foster days.
    I am a cat person to my very core, and have always been, but I do love my dog also. It's funny cuz my dog is also
    a "Cat Person" :)
    Anyway, I'm here, add me if you wish, and the beauty in my profile pic is Kiki aka DevilPuss! due to her
    being a tad grumpy in general! I also have The Sweetest Cat in the World known as Roo, and the
    most amazing car riding, leash walking cat known as Ninja!

    Have a great day fellow cat people! :)
  • sarahtsabo
    sarahtsabo Posts: 28 Member
    I have 2! Jasper & Minnie - we found them at about 4wks old and took them in. My husband was annoyed at first, but they're such a part of our family that I couldn't imagine not having them around! So yes, I'm a legitimate, card carrying crazy cat lady :)
  • squishycatmew
    squishycatmew Posts: 151 Member
    Reporting for duty!

    I currently only have the one cat, but only because despite the size of our apartment, we simply do not have adequate space for another litter box (the apartment is fully carpeted except for the bathroom and kitchen, the bathroom can only fit a very small box, and I cannot deal with litter on carpet).
    My cat is, however, a) utterly stupid, b) a serial vomiter who also is obsessed with eating plastic, and c) nearly died of a urinary blockage when he was two and likes to scare the **** out of me by occasionally swatting if his abdomen is touched - not because he's actually ill, or because he doesn't like it generally, just to **** with me. It doesn't seem to have clicked with him that this means a trip to the scary, scary vet if he's convincing enough. Also, he's developed respiratory allergies that come and go, so he's often mildly snotty. But he's sooooooo pretty and lovey, I basically have to forgive him everything.
  • Amy4President
    Amy4President Posts: 165 Member
    I have a fatty fat fat calico named Echo. She turns 9 next month. She is chunky and has bad teeth. I was walking through Petsmart one day and I saw this cat with a sign on her cage that said "I'M ON A DIET." She was so sweet and fat and I thought, hey big girls need lovin' too. So I brought her home. She's my bestie. I've had her for 3 years and wish I had gotten her sooner in life.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member