HCG--Good or Bad?

misskate1971 Posts: 27 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I am looking into HCG to help me lose weight. Any advice? Pros/cons? I'm curious...



  • what is HCG? we have a hormone in our bodies called hCG (pregnancy hormone). I am curious to know what you are referring to.
  • grumpz
    grumpz Posts: 30
    what is HCG? we have a hormone in our bodies called hCG (pregnancy hormone). I am curious to know what you are referring to.

    Ditto, very curious :wink:
  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    I've looked into it, but if you're going to be messing with the hormones your body has in it against its will I don't think that's good. It hasn't been on the market long and you don't know what the long term effects are. Remember if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. LOL. That's just my take on it.
  • grumpz
    grumpz Posts: 30
    I've looked into it, but if you're going to be messing with the hormones your body has in it against its will I don't think that's good. It hasn't been on the market long and you don't know what the long term effects are. Remember if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. LOL. That's just my take on it.

    Ah so you add hormoines into your body, these being the pregancy hormones. Excuse me if im wrong but I gained weight during pregnancy so how would you loose weight :tongue:
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    There was another post on this topic just a couple of hours ago. You might want to check it out.
  • I did read that the HCG diet goes along with a 500 calorie diet. And it is also pretty pricey.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    HGC is a pregnancy hormone, and a doctor did a study where two control groups lost weight while taking HGC. They made it into a diet pill to be taken in conjunctions with an insanely calorie restricted diet (6-800 cals a day) so everyone things its magic but long story short, the FDA has officially denounced HGC having to do with losing weight on the plan. Sorry I'm just not a fan. Just stick to keeping your food in check and it will come off- slowly but surely. :-)
  • kcrojas630
    kcrojas630 Posts: 145 Member
    I just did a round of it and lost 25 pounds. I recommend it. It has been around for a very long time. Google "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. Simeons it will give you the background. There is also an HCG support group in here. Friend me if you need more info.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    it's the same hormone! It is an aid to help people lose weight. My sister in law did the injections (yikies!) but she did lose a ton of weight.. unfortunately she gained it all back. My friend also used it but in dropper form to "kickstart" her weight lost and it really helped. She used it along with diet and exercise. HOWEVER, now that she is solely does D & E she seems to be having a hard time.. and the weight is creeping up.. so...I just avoid it. I haven't tried it because i see what it seems to have done for her and I don't think it's going to have long term results.
  • Personally, I wouldn't mess with it. I promise it's too good to be true. I mean yes, you will see good weight loss, but the minuet you actually eat a decent meal, you'll gain it all back. I work for a health foods store and I had heard a lot about it so I looked into it. a diet based on a "hormone" and 500 calories is no good. You'll feel weak from not enough calories, your hair/skin will lose it's luster from not enough vitamins and just overall feel yucky. I have never seen it work for anyone. I would try something a little less "intense", try doing a total body cleanse, I love um and they help me lose a few extra pounds (not to many for me cause I'm small) and it's all natural and makes ya feel better :)
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    what is HCG? we have a hormone in our bodies called hCG (pregnancy hormone). I am curious to know what you are referring to.

    The hCG diet is just that! You take a supplement (either orally or by injection) of the hormone all ready in the body. You are on a very STRICT diet. 500 Calories a day. They science behind the diet is that hCG stimulates your body to release fat to use as energy. Which if you look at women who have limited access to nutritous foods have healthy baby's because the hCG hormone allows for the fat in her body to be used for energy and feed the baby.

    Anyways. I have done this diet and had some success on it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to complete the diet due to personal issues. The first week is hard, your body just isn't used to have so few calories. But once your mind is re-trained I didn't have any problem. I do have to say that it can be really expensive. Sure you can get it cheap on the internet but then you really don't know what you're getting.

    I have tried every diet known to man. Some with success others no. But one sure fire way, tried and true, is a heathy diet and exercise. The diet DOES work, but we dont' know what the long term effects are, not to mention the pinch on the pocket book it has.

    Hope this helps.
  • chrissie5202006
    chrissie5202006 Posts: 7 Member
    I have heard mixed reviews about it. It requires you only intake 500 calories a day. I think if you were to do that without the HCG you would lose weight regardless. Either way it wont be good for your health and very hard to maintain.
  • MadisonLeavens
    MadisonLeavens Posts: 31 Member
    As for myself, I know that I could not adhere to the very strick calorie regime of the HCG diet. Along with the extremely limited food list. I hear that the HCG supposedly helps you not feel hungry as it tells your body to use the stored fat, but, for me eating is more than just to survive and I know that I would not be able to stick to it. I am in awe of those that can. Good? Bad? Not sure. It's just not for me, although I sincerely wish it were as the weight loss is reported to be .5 to 1 pound per day. Good luck and please feel free to friend me as I would love to share your journey.
  • I'm in the middle of round 1 and it's easy. I'm not hungry and I have the same level of energy. The food is boring :D but that is to be expected since I'm not planning on buying a bunch of food taste booster-uppers and books! It's cost me about $60 bucks total for the homeopathic drops and a book. I got it on Amazon.

    It's 40 days this round then I will switch to Atkins induction which is more liberal. So let that be your guide! ;)
  • I have also looked into HCG. It is the Pregnancy Hormone. It tricks your body into thinking its prego and pulls stored fat out of your body and flushes it out.

    -You have to follow a strict 500 calorie diet
    -Its either injected or made as a oral supplement.
    -There are clinics that help you.
    - Its really expensive.

    It DOES work but there are HIGH risks with it.
    I would definitely recommend doing your research and making the decision weather or not you are willing to subject your body to a hormone that it creates naturally for the growth of a child. When your not well... Prego.

    Please don't quote me on some of the things i have posted its just what i have read over the internet.
  • grumpz
    grumpz Posts: 30
    Thanks. Think I'll stick to the good old "doing it the right way" and just change my lifestyle with healthy food and excercise.
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Hi all,

    i'm on day 14 and have lost 7.2lbs. Im not hungry at all havent been from the beginning. My nails are actually growing like crazy and my hair has been silky. Im losing slower than others but im super super happy with the results i am only 10lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight and have already lost 1 1/2 inches in my waist. I did p90x for 50 days and didnt lose 1 pound nor drop a clothes size so i was really frustrated.. my body usually HATES to lose weight and had stayed between 5lbs for almost 10 years no matter what i did! then i had another baby and was heavier than ever without losing any of it for 1 1/2 years even with nursing and watching food intake and p90x.. soo as you can tell I think its great i am hoping to lose a total of about 28-30lbs and get to my ultimate goal weight ive never been able to reach during my adult years. It is spendy but in my personal opinion well worth the 7lbs ive lost so far. the choices of food is small but there are great recipes out there. I had steak and cabbage for lunch yumm.. do your research and read the free online book regarding the protocol... Good luck everyone and happy losing :) The big trick is maintaining the loss after you lose it and the protocol gives you strict instructions on how to do it!! As soon as i'm done with my weight loss i'm hitting p90x again to tone up and will do it as long as it takes :)

  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    {LoseitCorinne} QUOTE:
    It DOES work but there are HIGH risks with it.
    I would definitely recommend doing your research and making the decision weather or not you are willing to subject your body to a hormone that it creates naturally for the growth of a child. When your not well... Prego.

    Please don't quote me on some of the things i have posted its just what i have read over the internet.


    I am curious what the HIGH risks are??? Ive never heard of any.... Thanks :) Shari
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    I didn't even bother reading through the posts most are usually negative so all I'm going to say is if you do the work and study and actually compare 500 clean healthy calories to 500 calories of bad or junk food there is a big difference. It is not a magic pill it will clean your sysytem out and it does work. You do not starve yourself and I wouldn't say this if I didn't know that for a fact because we all know what starvation mode does at some point right? You gain.

    Research it then research it again...then get advice from others that you know who have gone through it. If you decide to go through with it or want some support or just questions asked please feel free to ask or look for our support group under the Motivation/Support section. We all make our own choices and I maintained with np during maintenance. I as well as Snow and many others are willing to answer any questions you have. Good luck on your journey whatever road you take I wish you the best :)
  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    Here is a link about it from "Everyday Health"

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