6 month no weight loss

I've not lost any weight at all since last Christmas, feeling very demotivated at the moment!! Went through big lifestyle changes last year, stopping eating fast food, eating off small side plates, giving up sugar in my tea and taking up commuting to work by bike. I lost quite a bit at first, not sure how heavy I was as I was too shy to get on the scales but I was in size 22 jeans. Now I'm in size 16/18 and weigh 12st 4lbs but I cannot seem to shift a single pound! I've recently started a new job that is keeping me very busy with long hours and I go well under my 1200 a day calorie limit but on my days off I do tend to go over my limit. I'm trying not to "diet" but change my habits long term so that I can avoid putting the weight back on again!

Any tips for getting out of this rut??


  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Weigh your food, log your food and exercise and be patient. It takes time.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Your not eating 1200 calories a day you're eating far more. Your logging isn;t as accurate as it could be which is part of the problem you also seem to have many days where your 5 or 6 hundred over your limit. You need to weigh all solid foods. cups are not accurate for solids

    Tighten up your logging find out how much you are actually eating then you assess what you need to do. Have a look at the link it will give you great pointers about logging accurately also the sexypants link shows the best way to set mfp up. Goodluck


  • atheresel
    atheresel Posts: 3 Member
    I would say, stick to the healthy habits you have developed but do not let yourself fall below 1200 calories. You say that you many times come in under your 1200 calorie limit. It is important to give your body the calories it needs. This is likely why you go over on your days off. If you're active, 1200 may not even be enough on a normal day.

    From personal experience, if I eat 1200 calories a day, I lose fast weight, and then stall. If I increase my intake to 1500-1600 calories, my weight loss is slower but continuous.

    That being said, your progress has been great! Congratulations on the weight loss and be proud of the positive changes you have made in your life!!