Where Will You Be In 3 Months' Time?



  • ilona1913
    ilona1913 Posts: 28 Member
    In 3 months I will be under 200 lbs.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    In 3 months I'd like to be around 125-128 lbs, lifting heavier weights, looking hotter, and getting ready for my week in Orlando with my husband in October.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    I hope I'll be down another 6lbs to reach my first GW, which I wanted to hit on Sept 27th- my first wedding dress fitting!
  • marhattap
    marhattap Posts: 149 Member
    Great Idea! In three months time, I hope to be continuously logging and exercising 20 days a month!! Thanks again!
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    In 3 Months time, I will have lost the final 10 lbs, putting me comfortably below 140 lbs. I will see an additional 3% reduction in body fat, putting me close to 25%. I will be a few days away from running my first 10K, and completely confident I will finish it! Three months, three goals!!
  • equallyyoked
    equallyyoked Posts: 16 Member
    I should be at goal weight in about 3 weeks. By 3 months I should be toned in my core like never before. I am also working on arms so I am looking for a short but sweet workout program to start. I am probably going to do some on fitnessblender. I haven't done those workouts in a long time and my friend recently reminded me of them. Let's go, everyone...we CAN do it.
  • meeyuh
    meeyuh Posts: 38 Member
    Hopefully I won't still be eating this candy on my desk. :laugh:

    If I were to lose a couple of pounds a week (with a LOT of hard work), I'd be below 170 and hopefully my work clothes wouldn't be so dadgum tight!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    LOVE THIS!!!!

    In three months....

    I WILL to be at my goal weight (just 4.2 lbs away) and maintaining.

    I WILL be less than 1 month away from my first half marathon race.

    I WILL be getting my store ready for another successful Christmas Season.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks this is a great Idea! I decided to change my goals to several smaller goals instead of one big goal. In 3 months I plan on being 6 lbs lighter. Hopefully more but will def be at least 6 lbs lighter!
  • iamazemyself
    I will at the mall buying the cutest bikini they have to fit my new toned sexy bod ????
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    By September 25, I will have been at a comfortable 105 lb for a few weeks. I'm ever so close now :)
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    In 3 months I will be another year older but more important far more healthier than I was the year before.

    I am hoping I would be at least 25 pounds lighter and down another size.
    I would have increased the amount of weight I can lift and will be seeing more definition in my body with all the inches I have lost
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    In 3 months my one rep max deadlift should be around 230-250 lbs. I also hope to be able to do one muscle-up, but that's a pretty lofty goal.
  • PeanutButterLover1984
    PeanutButterLover1984 Posts: 17 Member
    In 3 months (12 weeks) I will be attending a friends wedding (who is also on here) hopefully another 12 lbs lighter and at goal!

    It's quite a challenge, though I am having my Wisdom teeth removed between now and then so won't be able to enjoy meals out etc for a while.

    Bring it on I would love to be at goal in 3 months!
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    Love this idea.

    In 3 months I will be less 20 pounds (anything more than I absolutely welcome). I will be more toned and defined and be able to go longer in running distance.
  • lecounth
    lecounth Posts: 42 Member
    September 25th will be 2 weeks after my next surgery to remove excess skin from my drastic weight loss. I've lost a total of 172 pounds from my highest weight (had gastric by-pass surgery).

    I have 9 pounds to lose in 11 weeks before surgery but really hoping to lose closer to 15.

    After surgery, I should be around 220 which is most likely smaller than I was in 9th grade. Holy crap.
  • arendiva
    arendiva Posts: 177 Member
    I will be comfortably under 200 pounds and I will be having my grudge match with a hike that was too hard for me last summer.
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    September 24th, My weight will be in the 330"s first time since before I had kids!!! HOLY MOLY!
    Training for a 5k.
    Walking a 15 minute or less mile!
  • caimay175
    caimay175 Posts: 42
    Wow, great motivation to hear from you all! And I love that the goals aren't just weight-related, but strength, distance, clothes etc are in there too. We will have to check in six weeks from now to see how we are doing!