Fibromyalgia medication

hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
edited September 23 in Success Stories
This is sort of a success story. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at the end of August 2010. It is a mild form. I feel for the people with severe Fibromyalgia. I had been hurting on and off for years. Always feeling achy, tired. Muscles, joints, my whole body. I suffered from ear pain, sinus issues, headaches, etc. My sleep was atrocious. Teeth grinding, tossing and turning, limbs moving everywhere. For most of summer I felt like I was dying. I hurt all the time - I was even taking my man's prescription pain pills and they weren't working - except Oxycontin - I can see how people become addicted to that. I had chills then sweats every few minutes. I spent my days at work fighting tears. I had night sweats and woke up drenched and feeling like I didn't sleep. I felt like I had the flu only with no fever. My appetite was gone. My energy was gone. I lived on coffee all day.

I learned that I don't breathe well. I breathe very shallow - through my lungs rather than my diaphragm. Because of this my oxygen levels were very low.

Well, they put my on Savella which made the pain go away. But the cost is $112 a month which I just can't afford right now. I had to get health insurance before any of this and that cost me. She also gave me Lunestra samples for my sleep. They helped but I stopped taking them so I didn't become dependent. Then she had me switch to melatonin pills which I do take on occasion.

My eating habits before consisted of going all day without eating and muching the whole evening.

Now I'm eating healthier. I have cut back on my added sugar, sodium, junk food and fast food. I gave up all soda. I'm doing my damned-est to go by the food pyramid. I look at ingredients and labels now. I stay away from HFCS. I'm not fond of artificial sweeteners but there are a few foods with it that I eat. I'm taking fish oil, coQ10, calcium/vitamin D supps and a multivitamin (these were all recommended by my doctor). I eat at least 3x per day. I still have coffee but not nearly as much and I have it in the morning - occasionally a bit in the early afternoon. I exercise now - still trying to do more than 3x per week but I'm getting there. I drink at least 2 liters of water a day (I would go for days and days with no water). Yes I have bad food days - my weekends are terrible.

I'm not sleepy during the day anymore. I'm sleeping better at night. My energy levels stay up. I'm getting more balanced nutrition. AND I HAVE STOPPED TAKING MY MEDICATION. The pain hasn't come back full force. Exercising isn't kicking it in. I feel better after exercising because it loosens the muscles up. The cold still makes me a little achy sometimes but it's tolerable. I'm 40 years old - not at my lightest weight - but I know I am at the healthiest I have ever been and that includes my childhood. I can feel the difference.

That's my success story. (Now I just have to stop trying to preach to everyone else - but I want everyone around me to be healthy too!)


  • ksills5
    ksills5 Posts: 20
    That is GREAT news!!! Good for you! Doctors tried diagnosing my mom with fibromyalgia a few years ago, but she refused to say she had fibromyalgia and started eating better and drinking homemade carrot juice and is doing great! It's too bad people suffer with it the way they do when it seems to all just come down to their diet. Congrats!
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    My brother in law has a severe case of it and has switched to a gluten free diet, it helps immensely. Something to consider. I wish you the best of luck! Keep up the good work, I know it's hard with that disease.
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    I am 34 years old and was diagnosed this past summer. Like you I make myself exercise, go to work, eat well etc. I've met too many people who give in to the mental effects of Fibro. I just wanted to clarify to the response down below that just changing your diet makes it better. It makes a big difference, just like eating healthy and taking care of yourself always does, but it does not cure fibromyalgia. There is no cure.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Fantastic news that you have improved your symptoms by changing your diet and fitness, with a bit of luck it will prevent it getting any worse

    It's too bad people suffer with it the way they do when it seems to all just come down to their diet. Congrats!

    It doesn't all come down to diet. My 22 year old daughter was diagnosed a couple of years ago after 8 years of being told it was growing pains, it was her weight (bmi26) it was her diet. She cut out all caffeine, sweeteners, soda, lost weight, went vegetarian with a very very clean diet and still suffered, all those changes made no difference, the only thing that she has found that does make a difference is alcohol, she is guaranteed a flare up within a day or 2 of having just a couple of drinks but she gets a flare up every so often anyway. She cycles 14 miles to and from work daily to keep her supple but during a flare up she can hardly swing her legs out of bed let alone cycle.

    Just saying its not always just down to diet, many sufferers many triggers.
  • pamelasusan
    pamelasusan Posts: 90 Member
    I am weaning off of Cymbalta which is the same drug class as Savella, an SNRI. I took Cymbalta for Depression but I know that it's used for Fibromyalgia as well.

    I have found that just less of the medication in my system has increased my energy, made me less tired during the day, helped me sleep better at night and best of's much easier for me to lose weight. I would struggle for every ounce lost and it would take a LONG that I am down to nearly no Cymbalta the weight is coming off much quicker.

    Did you have any side effects while getting off the Savella?
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member

    Just saying its not always just down to diet, many sufferers many triggers.

    A big plus one on that. I have had Fibro for several decades. I have remained active and work as hard as I can. Some people do allow it to completely overwhelm them. But diet, in many cases, has nothing to do with it.

    If you get improvement, great, but it will not be that way for all fibro sufferers. Also, fibro is used as a diagnosis when they can't figure what else is wrong. If it is something that has changed with diet maybe it was a deficiency of some sort and not fibro after all.
  • I have fibromyalgia as part of my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and no amount of dietary changes are going to cure me of it. I'm thrilled that people have gained better health through a healthy diet but please be careful when making sweeping statements about cures.
  • ksills5
    ksills5 Posts: 20
    I agree that doctors just diagnose people with it when they can't figure out what is wrong with someone. So why are all these people that suffer with fibromyalgia just okay with a doctor not being able to figure out what's wrong? Can anyone give a description of what fibro is exactly?
  • I'm not sure anyone knows exactly what it is, and that's half the problem. I also agree that at times doctors will throw FM out as a lazy diagnosis if they don't know what else to say, but FM should have specific tender points on the body as well as the pain, fatigue and problems with cognitive function. Me and my sister have both been diagnosed with it, I have 'secondary Fibromyalgia' due to my EDS whereas she has 'primary Fibromyalgia', hers is a terrible problem in its own right. She seemed to start getting sick after a really bad fall down the stairs, she wasn't badly injured at the time but the shock to her body seemed to trigger FM and she's had it ever since.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I agree that doctors just diagnose people with it when they can't figure out what is wrong with someone. So why are all these people that suffer with fibromyalgia just okay with a doctor not being able to figure out what's wrong? Can anyone give a description of what fibro is exactly?

    Pain, there are several key places but pretty much widespread.
    Stiffness, with my daughter its hips, elbows shoulders and wrists that are hit worst. Worse in the mornings but can last all day for a few days especially if she doesnt take medication in time.
    Fatigue, during a flare up she can sleep for 8-10 hours but still be fatigued. She also has trouble getting to sleep, I presume because of the pain but not sure.
    Dizziness and nausea, most common with my daughter at the start of a flare up, could be related to the drugs she takes at the start of one but once again not sure (not here to ask at the moment)
    Changes in climate cause flare ups as does going from warm room to cold outdoor air causes immediate pain and stiffness.
    There have been times that it seems like shes got almost constant flu symptoms, snuffly, chesty irritated eyes and aching all over.
    Muddled thinking, not confused as such but slower and forgets what she was doing sort of thing.

    Not fun for anyone but the aches and pains started when she hit puberty at 12, and its progressed since then, Drs dont like giving her drugs because shes so young and will become immune to them so told to pretty much suck it up as much as she can. She's working and although her employees have been understanding their patience will eventually wear thin I fear, especially as in a school setting there is an adult child ratio that needs to be kept constant.

    Fibro sucks!
  • Fibro sucks, I hear that! One of the worst things is hitting the fibro wall. Even just a couple of days of doing too much and SLAM!! that's it, you're done. Instant flare up, bye bye.
  • I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia over a year ago along with Seizures triggered by stress. I have tried several different medications and Savella is the only one that has made a difference besides eating right and exercise. On bad days I take a tramadol for pain but since I have been taking better care of myself I hardly ever take it. Sleep has always been a challenge to me and somedays I sleep better than others.
    I really do believe that one can manage pain with the right combination exercise and healthy eating.
    Keep up the good work!!!!!
  • I was diagnosed with FM about 6 months ago. I agree with you. Fibro sucks big time. It's like you get punished if you do too much. I am hoping that getting back to the gym, even if it's a little at a time, and droping some weight will make a difference in my life. Good luck on your weight loss.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Fibro sucks, I hear that! One of the worst things is hitting the fibro wall. Even just a couple of days of doing too much and SLAM!! that's it, you're done. Instant flare up, bye bye.

    I also have fibro and this is one of the best descriptions. If I overdo it my body literally shuts down and I cant function. I have been known to sleep for 5-6 hrs and still go to sleep early and sleep all night and still wake up feeling unrested. The pain in itself can be debilitating. I also get horrible headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other symptoms. The best way to describe it is feeling like you have a constant bad case of the flu without the fever.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I have fibro and RA and a plethora of other autoimmune issues. Currently I'm not on any medications for either one, thank heavens! My exhaustion has eased up since I have lost weight and been able to exercise more frequently however its never gone away completely. I'm so happy that you were able to gain control of your life back! How awesome!!!

    I absolutely hate how just getting a cold can send you into a flareup. Yesterday I fell down our stairs and its been ridiculous! I can't even believe the pain let alone what I know is going to await me in this recovery process! I'm praying nothing too severe because I want to be able to keep up my routines! :o)

    Also, themommie? That is it! Perfectly! Except with me I have a lot of additional leg pain. Sigh! Ah well! There could be worse burdens to bear and I'm happy to be alive with my family and friends! :o)
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