Hi, newbie day 2.

Hey, I am new to the getting healthy regime. I have been overweight the majority of my life, but just in the recent years since my dad's passing it has become out of control. The realization of how heart disease runs in my family made me decide to really give it ago, that and a goal to go to a very big event next summer that I am very excited about.

I have done fad diets and they do not work, I give up and gain again, but this is a lifestyle change. I am starting with 15 minutes a day of walking and swimming, and will add each week. I am drinking tons of water and snacking on fruits, veggies and nuts through out the day.

I want to do this right and live the rest of my life healthy and happy with my mind and body. If anyone has any tips or words of encouragement I could use it. Thanks!
