New at this

Hello! I have been using myfitnesspal on my HTC 4G evo for just a few days now, so I am still learning. But I love this app. I have made a personal commitment to not touch a bite of my food until after I have computed all my nutritional information. I think this is what has helped me most.

I am still learning all there is to the app itself but so far I am very pleased!

I am 36, married, mother of 3 children all boys (including twins who are just 3.5 years old). I am an advocate for people with special needs, especially Down syndrome. One of my twin boys was born with Down syndrome. I weigh right about 215 and want to lose 40 lbs.

Nice to meet you all!!:bigsmile:


  • jessievbutler
    i am new at this too if u need some help i am there for you
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Welcome aboard. It's a great site. I do the same thing when planning my foods. Granted the last couple of weeks have not gone smoothly.......:blushing: but at least I have not gained!!!!
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    This is a great place to get help and motivation for you. I wish you and yours the best. I also had the app at first then found this sight. It's great.
  • jaredsmomma
    Thanks everyone!!!