Building Runner's legs

I have recently started jogging. Nothing fancy just intervals of jogging and walking. I find my breathing is OK but it's my legs that let me down, particularly my hamstrings and calves. My knees, shins and thighs seem OK Any more than 90 seconds at a time and I have to slow to a brisk walk I do try and keep 90/90 second intervals up for half an hour or so and I walk at first for 5 minutes to warm up. I have been doing this for a month and I'm not progressing.. I'm after advice for cross training or strength exercises. So far I have increased the weight I press on the leg press, increased leg extensions, added cross training with rowing and the elliptical and do step up with dumbbells, the other day I did 2000. I still struggle to jog let alone run! Other info that might be useful is I'm 48, female and about 250lbs.


  • astocks87
    astocks87 Posts: 2
    Running is one of those activities where, unless you are olympic level, you get better by running more. Some hamstring, hip flexor and calf work will help a bit, but you have to keep running. Also, its much important to keep up your frequency then drive up your volume. Slogging through a painful 6 miles is worse then 3 days at 2 miles each. Work towards that first mile. Right now you can do 90 seconds. Push to 2 minutes. Then 2.5 etc etc. Eventually results start compounding on results and you will progress faster and faster.

    Try that program

    Also, kudos to the 55lbs. Thats a hell of an achievement
  • midnight419
    midnight419 Posts: 77 Member
    How often are you running? If you're not running 3 times a week, you're probably not going to see much progress.

    If you slow down while running I bet you will be able to run longer. Try running at a slower pace and either increasing the running time or decrease the walking time. For example, you might want to try ~30 minutes of 90s and 60s walking or 120s running and 90s of walking as astocks87 suggested.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Agree with the advice already given.

    The first few weeks are when your different body systems come into alignment. Your heart, muscles, lungs, tendons, etc. are all at different levels; it takes a few weeks to get them all on the same page. After that, you'll start to feel stronger.

    Slow down. You're doing great with the walking/running intervals. 90 seconds of running is a lot to start out with, though. This may be too aggressive. The C25K program starts with a 30 second run interval and, if I remember correctly, a 20-minute run/walk training session. You may be pushing yourself too hard as a starting point.

    Have you been to a running store to be measured for proper shoes? A good pair of shoes, properly fitted for your feet, helps the legs feel better.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    I also highly recommend stretching afterwards. I sometimes push myself too hard and I am sore for days afterwards, but stretching definitely helps with that.

    Also incorporate strengthening and exercises for all your leg muscles. I have an especially tight (weak) right hip flexor and that is affecting my running and pain afterwards.
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    If you have a smartphone, I highly recommend installing a Couch to 5K app (the C25K app by Zen Labs is intergrated with MyFitnessPal but there are many others to choose from) and using that as guidance. It's three workouts per week and it mixes jogging and walking and gradually increases your jogging portions until you can run a 5K. It's a 9 week program but of course, you can repeat any workout you wish you can extend it out if you feel like you're not ready to move on to the next stage.

    If you don't have a smartphone, you can go the old fashioned route and print out a Couch to 5K schedule and keep time yourself (the apps will do all the clockwork for you and rate your progress).

    And ditto on the stretching afterwards.

    Keep up the awesome work, ajones!
  • ajones1965
    ajones1965 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I'm currently on zen labs c25k week 2, week 1 was a bit of a challenge but I got it in the end. I'm running 3 times a week and I'm already slow. I have proper running shows for my foot type. Can anyone point me to any resources on how and what stretches to do?