Simple Question

On the Nutrition tab of this app, it goes past the goal % and turns red. At what point, is it a BAD thing to have too much Vitamin C or too much Protein? Or any of the things that are obviously good for you. (Not asking why I can't have more fat and salt, that would be a stupid question) I just want to know if it expects people to hit the target right on or if it's just a reference. I love the little messages that say "Hey, good job! You've reached your protein goal for the day", but I think it should encourage the higher % of the healthier things as well. Just my opinion of course.


  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    On the Nutrition tab of this app, it goes past the goal % and turns red. At what point, is it a BAD thing to have too much Vitamin C or too much Protein? Or any of the things that are obviously good for you. (Not asking why I can't have more fat and salt, that would be a stupid question) I just want to know if it expects people to hit the target right on or if it's just a reference. I love the little messages that say "Hey, good job! You've reached your protein goal for the day", but I think it should encourage the higher % of the healthier things as well. Just my opinion of course.

    For the most part, not bad at all. Whatever your body doesn't use, it'll either store for later (calories) or pass (vitamins/minerals). Not to get graphic, but you may notice that if you take a multivitamin, your pee will turn more yellow for a bit. It's because your body passes most of it...
  • Shibuh
    Shibuh Posts: 6 Member
    If you take in too much vitamin C, your body will start to dump it. Like BenjaminMFP88 said, the first noticeable change in your urine will turn more yellow. If it's a larger amount of vitamin C, you may start to notice some stomach discomfort and loose bowels. Protein is typically stored for later for your body to use to help heal and repair itself. Only downside is it MAY put extra work on the kidneys since they do most of your filtering but you would have to be taking in a substantial amount of protein to achieve that.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Different vitamins and minerals are, well...different. Some your body just excretes, some can cause serious damage if you are habitually getting far too much. If there are particular micronutrients of which you always end up greatly exceeding your daily intake, give them a quick Google and find out what the dangerous dosage is, if there is one.

    Poorly distributed macros (protein/fat/carbs) might have an effect on your energy level or possibly on muscle building, but you likely won't cause yourself serious health problems unless you're eating literally only red meat or whatever.
  • perm_dogg
    perm_dogg Posts: 22
    Thank you all for your responses. Um.... I drink so much water I rarely see color (except right away when I wake up) and I wasn't trying to imply I'm shooting up these nutrients or anything, just the red letters tell my brain I did something wrong. For instance. I should be consuming 1 gram of Protein for every pound that I would LIKE to weigh, in a day, but my app tells me I've had too much at 110 or whatever. I think they should give you the option to exceed where it is healthy. (Not insane amounts of course) Again, I appreciate your inputs though. For what it's worth, I need to lose weight, but with my frame, it isn't going to happen unless I do it through building muscle. If that helps any.... ha ha. On a side note, is it even possible to stay under a sugar goal?! I don't eat anything sweet and by the time I'm done with breakfast I'm pushing my "limit" Come on fitness app. Give me a break here!!
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. Um.... I drink so much water I rarely see color (except right away when I wake up) and I wasn't trying to imply I'm shooting up these nutrients or anything, just the red letters tell my brain I did something wrong. For instance. I should be consuming 1 gram of Protein for every pound that I would LIKE to weigh, in a day, but my app tells me I've had too much at 110 or whatever. I think they should give you the option to exceed where it is healthy. (Not insane amounts of course) Again, I appreciate your inputs though. For what it's worth, I need to lose weight, but with my frame, it isn't going to happen unless I do it through building muscle. If that helps any.... ha ha. On a side note, is it even possible to stay under a sugar goal?! I don't eat anything sweet and by the time I'm done with breakfast I'm pushing my "limit" Come on fitness app. Give me a break here!!

    What are you eating for breakfast? I rarely go over my sugar goal.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I am curious about that breakfast too.
  • perm_dogg
    perm_dogg Posts: 22
    Today, for example, I had a whey protein shake with a banana in it and an exact count of 22 biscuits of frosted mini wheats. That was enough for it to warn me that my sugar was getting too high. Now, I'm not so foolish to think something called "frosted" anything is going to be low in sugar, but I'm also not a 100% all out health nut. I think a grown man should be able to have more than a bowl of cereal in a day and still reach his goals. Maybe I'm wrong....
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Outside of a medical condition that requires you to monitor it, sugar can be ignored. I'm consistently over my sugar intake but I eat a balanced diet (or decently so). I track fiber instead so I don't have to see it. Same with sodium.
  • perm_dogg
    perm_dogg Posts: 22
    Outside of a medical condition that requires you to monitor it, sugar can be ignored. I'm consistently over my sugar intake but I eat a balanced diet (or decently so). I track fiber instead so I don't have to see it. Same with sodium.

    Now that is good news. Thanks! I've recently been hitting fiber hard. Pushing 30 grams a day or better. Now if I could just say no to the weekend beers I'd be winning this race!!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Outside of a medical condition that requires you to monitor it, sugar can be ignored. I'm consistently over my sugar intake but I eat a balanced diet (or decently so). I track fiber instead so I don't have to see it. Same with sodium.

    Now that is good news. Thanks! I've recently been hitting fiber hard. Pushing 30 grams a day or better. Now if I could just say no to the weekend beers I'd be winning this race!!

    :P np. Yep, I love my evening ice cream after lifting and heck, even after a few pieces of fruit I'm over in sugar lol. You can have weekend beer, just don't forget to log them and get plenty of water in ya. I do the occasional whiskey shots on the weekends (used to do mixed drinks but goodness those add up fast!)