Just bought the xbox Kinect and I love it!!!!

We just go the kinect for the xbox and we played it for 3 1/2 hours straight!!!! I got the Shape Up game and it is wonderful! Tons of great excercise and fun!!! For me and my entire family!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • ZacFields
    ZacFields Posts: 62 Member
    Woohoo! I love it as well.

    Next game you should get is Kinect Sports. You can burn some serious calories playing that game as well. Invest in a good Heart Rate Monitor sometime to help measure your calories.

    Have fun!
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    Agreed! It's a lot of fun...and you're moving around as a bonus!
  • maaalloryy
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    I will definately do that and my husband and I looked at that game and agreed we needed to get it next. Thanks for the info!
  • TulsaTim
    "Santa" brought it for us this year and we can't get enough of playing. Kinect sports is incredible. My wife and I like volleyball and bowling the most. Have fun!!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Woohoo! I love it as well.

    Next game you should get is Kinect Sports. You can burn some serious calories playing that game as well. Invest in a good Heart Rate Monitor sometime to help measure your calories.

    Have fun!

    Totally agree! Kinect Sports is FUN and a great workout! My husband and I battled it out with some healthy boxing in the family room, and I kicked his butt and burned 600 calories in 50 minutes! I'd have to run on the treadmill for an hour to get that kinda calorie burn....The Kinect is WAY more fun and entertaining :)
    GREAT game to play with friends, too!
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Wow I will definately be getting the Sports game next! Thanks everyone!!!!!
  • TheNewDanielle
    I guess I need to invest in the Kinect! I hope it works on any old xbox 360....
  • jlmelton0509
    jlmelton0509 Posts: 38 Member
    We have it and love it as well. If you have xbox live, we should play each other! :)
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    I was thinking about getting a Wii (Yes, we are behind the times) - then the 14 yo said we should get xbox with kinect instead - think I might go this route so the whole family can play and get active together on these cold Wisconsin nights - Thanks for pushing me in this direction
  • Loki182
    Loki182 Posts: 31
    Ever since I heard about the Kinect (back when it was Project Natal) I was amazed. I think there is a good chance that we will be picking one up once we get our taxes back this year. or maybe I'l just sell my Wii Fit and some other stuff.

    I used to love the Wii Fit but with a rowdy curious toddler running around it becomes a workout and a real test of balance just trying not to constantly kick or step on him while using it.

    Plus there was no setting for someone being pregnant and it told my wife that she was getting fat... so it has been in storage pretty much ever since.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    KINECT FTW!!!!!!!! I cannot say enough good about the Kinect. The kinect adventures is a blast. The game where you are on a cart. (Can't remember the name) All the jumping and side to side as well as the crouching really burns the calories. Santa brought Dance Central. We like it alot as well. Sports is getting purchased this weekend you've sold me on the sports now!
  • DawniesLife
    I have the Wii and Wii Fit and EA Sports Active 2 (which I love) but my wife and I are looking into investing in a Xbox Kinect as well and I am really excited about that!
  • pammilou
    pammilou Posts: 96 Member
    Love it too! The Sports Game, the Adventure and Dance are all excellent.

  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks for all the imput everyone! We are loving it more and more everyday!!! We woke up this morning so sore from playing so much yesterday lol Me, my husband and 2 of our kiddo's!!! We had a blast and can't wait to get more games!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    We have loved playing with our Kinect since it was first released. Kinect Sports is a definite favorite, and when the in-laws came for Christmas, everybody was having fun with it - young and old. I picked up Your Shape: Fitness Evolved to help get back in shape a bit more (some of those Kinect Adventures challenges left me pretty winded). I still love my hardcore gaming, but Kinect has been a blast, and helps motivate me to get off the couch.