Loose Skin?

Hi, I'm 18 and I'm planning to lose around 130 pounds and I've read a lot of things about people having loose skin and it sounds like most of the time people who lose that amount of weight do have it. So I was curious is there anyway to prevent loose skin? Thanks! :) (sorry if this is in the wrong category)


  • CCSavage88
    CCSavage88 Posts: 191
    Theres things you can do to help it like slow and steady weight loss not fast drops...strength training...but you will still probably have loose skin or skin that's very soft no matter how thin you get. I wish the best for you
  • BonworthVonFattyPants
    BonworthVonFattyPants Posts: 49 Member
    You will never be in a better position to do this than now.

    At 18 your skin is still very elastic. You have a very good chance, if you lose the weigh slowly and add muscle through strength training, to have minimal loose skin.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You will never be in a better position to do this than now.

    At 18 your skin is still very elastic. You have a very good chance, if you lose the weigh slowly and add muscle through strength training, to have minimal loose skin.


    Young skin is your best chance. Keep in mind that skin doesn't snap back fast. You will see a gradual recovery.
  • That's great to know :) thanks everyone. Will skin eventually go back though like even if it's in a few years?