It is lonely, I think i finally need to add some friends

Do I hear any volunteers? There are so many good people on this site, & such great stories & stories that I identify with alot.

Would anyone be my friend today? Hopefully someone in my age group, 50+ but that is not a requirement...just figured we would have some of the same challenges as it gets harder the older you get.

(on a side note, why do they show so many pizza commercials with that yummy looking bubbly cheese & all the fixins...cruel & inhuman treatment, if you ask me.)

Thanks for listening...


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    hey, this doesn't have to be a lonely journey and the more people you surround yourself with, the more positive energy you can feed off.
  • Yleija
    Yleija Posts: 16
    i'll add ya
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    go ahead and add me. my mom mmerriman so go ahead and add her.