Any soccer players out there?

elothen Posts: 155 Member
Soccer has become my new passion. I've started pretty late in the game (no pun intended) but am really having a blast. I've played 2 seasons of indoor and about to start my 3rd while also joining a 2nd team... because I'm not too bright. I played a bit growing up, and have coached my kids for a few years, so I'm not completely ignorant of the game at least.

Any other players out there want to friend up and talk soccer? I'd particularly like to meet others who've started later in life and share any ideas for building skills quickly so that I'm not a complete anchor on my team. Not that I am now really but there's a fairly stark contrast between my play style and my colleagues.


  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    I've played most of my life, but have sort of stopped except for the occasional easy pick-up game. It just got to be too hard on my joints (I was more out of shape and kept getting injured lugging extra weight around and trying to cut with speed).

    You can check out iSoccer ( - my kids used it for a bunch of skills training / drills that did seem to help their ball-handling skills. And watch some good European soccer on the weekends to get a better sense of the game.

    Indoor is actually quite different than outdoor soccer -- there's a lot more emphasis on close-in ball handling, and more dynamic changes of direction, IMHO. You should give outdoor a chance too, weather permitting - it is a different game.

    In my experience there are lots of soccer players on these boards, so consider this a bump to let others see your post.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I played a lot when I was younger but during H.S. I stopped play for the school and then altogether. I started to play in a few pickup games from time to time over the years and the groups just fell apart. Just last year my son started playing and I started coaching, it has really rekindled my passion for the game and I have started to play when I can in a few easy going pickup games.
    My skills are almost nonexistent (having not played much since ’85) and nagging injuries are keeping me from getting in a league, not to mention the closes viable league is a 45 minute drive (w/out traffic) for me and they have games during the week that start as late as 930, which is too hard for me being that I have to get up at 5am. So for now, the occasional weekend pickup game will have to do.
    I actually workout with my U-12 team, we do HIIT, suicides w/HIIT integrated, speed drills, lots of short sided games, and occasional inter-squad scrimmaging. Hopefully, I’ll get my skills back well enough to start playing in a league if I can find a closer one.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I play!!!! Not at the moment as I am recovering from ankle surgery. But I love to play and can hardly wait to get back out there!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    It's not 'soccer'. It's FOOTBALL!!!!!!????????????
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Have played my whole life. Cheers to the fellow footballers.

    Go USMNT and Forza Milan!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Soccer? Oh... football. The game where you use your feet.

    Hehe. Yes. If you are male and from the UK like me, then chances are you love football, as opposed to American Throw and Runball....
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    Right here. I have played for 26 years. I play in non competitive leagues now but still enjoy it!
  • Ickypedia
    Ickypedia Posts: 6 Member

    Another football (or soccer, if you insist) player here. It's one of the main reasons why I wanted to get back into shape, so that I can keep playing. Added weight really makes the knees and back and stuff feel bad, and when I played every now and again without being in decent shape, it used to result in stiff calves and thighs as well as a groin strain. Pleased to say that I can now do a 90 min session with friends on a 7-a-side pitch, with decent intensity, and feel not much worse for the wear the next day :)

    Anyway, just to give a tip or two to the OP, in case he's still looking for them: I find that the best thing you can do is to do what the best midfield players and such do in the game. You'll notice that they're constantly swivelling their head left and right, trying to stay aware of who's around them both in terms of teammates and opposition players. If you know what you might want to do with the ball when you get it, or how much time you have on the ball, you become far more calm in possession and that allows you to yield better results. That, and play with the ball on your own a lot, try to gain that muscle memory with regards to manipulating and striking the ball.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I played organized soccer until just a few years ago, when I tore my ACL. I had it repaired, and I am fine. But I think my playing days may be over. Recovery takes too long at my age.
    But, I still love to talk soccer!
  • elothen
    elothen Posts: 155 Member
    Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I've been away for a bit.

    I'm just entering my 4th season with my Open team and 2nd with my O30 team and lovin' it. I quit playing goalie after I got my hand destroyed. I enjoyed it but after my hand was healed enough to do it again it appears I've got the "yips" too bad to really be good. A couple knuckles on my left hand still hurt 7 months later.

    It's all good though, I love playing the field. I'm good at keeping an eye on everything when I don't have the ball but don't look up enough when I do. Mainly causes problems on my O30 team cause they don't know where to freakin' be lol!

    It's funny what a difference confidence makes. In games where I'm feeling confident I can get around just about anyone I need too, make great picks, and just generally play great (for rec league). When I don't feel confident against the other team or players then I'm just trippin' over my own d__k. Now how to be confident all the time right?

    The USMNT exit from the Cup was pretty disappointing. They definitely had more in them but, like me, I think they lacked the confidence or desire to really pull it together. Not that Belgium is bad by any means, I just think with all our players in the right mindset we could beat em. Oh well, see ya in 4 years guys. :)