Renew my Gym Membership?

I am trying to decide whether or not to renew my Gold's Gym membership. My husband and I got in with a really good rate last year so for the 2 of us plus childcare it is about $50 per month. I do enjoy going to the classes and feel really great afterwards, however there are times when I will go a few weeks or even a month without attending at all. Sometimes due to being out of town, having other activities in the evening, or just being plain lazy. I work full time and also have a 17 month old so I sometimes feel guilty picking him up after 9 hours at daycare to take him and drop him off at the gym's childcare center. I have been going back and forth on whether or not to renew for several weeks now. Thoughts?


  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    I think only you can answer this one. Personally, I would look at it in terms of the money. Would you begrudge the money if you paid then didn't go? Or would it not bother you?

    Another option may be to pay as you go. I know some gyms near me in the UK offer that option. Its a more expensive rate, but could be the way to go if you know you will only go sporadically.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Make a plan - go three times a week - no excuses for example. You NEED YOUR TIME TOO MOM! If you have a membership you will at least go sometimes!
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    I use my gym childcare only on weekends. I have a 4 year old and 16 month old who are also in daycare full-time during the week. Weekends can be hectic, and it is nice to be able to stick them in the gym daycare for an hour for a "break" to exercise.

    My gym has a pool. I don't think Gold's Gyms do. Are there any other gym options in your area with a pool? It might be nice as your child gets a little older and can take year-round swimming lessons.
  • Actually our Gold's does have an indoor pool and I have contemplated starting swimming lessons sooner than later for my toddler. However I can still do this without being a member, it's just a higher fee for the lessons. The other nice thing about the gym is that it is like a 3 min drive from my home.