New and looking for friends!

Hi, My names Jade and I'm 22 years old! I've tried the whole 'be fit' thing 1000 times before and I've always given up because I wasn't seeing results straight away and it was unmotivating! I started a diet again about a month ago, and this time I've stuck to it and already lost 9ibs which is definitely motivating me to stick with it now! A friend told me about myfitnesspal, so thought I'd give it a shot! I'm looking to connect with people who have the same goals as I do, and hopefully we all can keep each other motivated to stick at this! :)


  • Hey Jade! My name is nikki and I just signed up for myfitnesspal a few days ago. Like you, I want instant gratification. I want to lose like 40 pounds in a week and I have unrealistic goals. I'm learning that weightloss takes time, and a ton of hard work and dedication. I hope we can motivate each other together :)
  • abbyqs
    abbyqs Posts: 3
    Hi Jade! We seem similar. I've always seemed to make these grand statements about eating better or having portion control, but I "forget" those statements pretty quickly! I'm now taking steps to eat healthy, have proper portions, and exercise. I hope MFP is a great way to connect with folks and encourage each other!
  • JSE150
    JSE150 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm going to add you! MFP has helped me over the last couple of months. I was eating badly and lots of calories every day. Now that I visually see what I am eating, I'm more conscious about what I eat.

    **Anyone can add me
  • ebamiller
    ebamiller Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jade! I'm new too, well, kinda. I've been off an on MFP for a while but I'm new to the message boards. I've tried losing weight without accountability buddies, but I've had a problem staying motivated and focused. I really think the MFP community/MBs will really help with accountability. I'll add you and hopefully we can keep each other motivated!
  • Hello :)
    I've been trying on and off to get fit for a few years now. I think I've got it and them bam! I see an ad for pizza and end up with a nice cream to boot. I'm hoping MFP can help me keep track of my good days and bad (mostly good, I hope!). I'd also love to have some friends for motivation and to help keep me on track.
  • jerseygene
    jerseygene Posts: 131 Member
    Feel free to add any one. Always happy to help out if i can :-)