New Year, New Me

Hi I have been with MyFitnessPal for awhile, but I have been staying mostly to myself. I have learned though that it is good to hang with people of like mind.

I turned 50 this past January and I am graduating college soon. My last class is in July and I am walking the stage in August. That is only the icing on the cake of the goals that I set for myself four years ago. The batter started four years ago when I decided I was going to go to college. Family and friends thought I had lost my mind. Two years later when I turned 48 I realized I had been smoking for 40 years. Yes I started way to young. It has been two years and cig free. I put on some weight when I stopped smoking, but with the stress of full time school and taking care of family I did not worry about it. Food was my friend, especially those late nights of cranking out a 2,000 to 4,000 word essays.

I went with my mom to her doctor a few months back and could not believe what the scale was telling me. I wanted to cry, I was over 200 pounds. High blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, and cancer run in my family on both sides. I swore I was not going to graduate weighing that much. I will not be to my goal weight, but I will be under 200 pounds come August 9th.

It has been a battle and I have almost given up when I was not seeing any results. I am now at 205 pounds from my 210. I am very proud of myself. Just as I knew I would finish college and reach that dream, I know I will reach my dream of losing 65 pounds.


  • LaGondaVeal
    LaGondaVeal Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Kimberly,

    I just turned 50 in May. Had this whole thing about I was going to be healthy and fit by then. Two years ago I hit my high of 202 pounds. I lost 45 pounds. All my blood work was good, felt good everything. Then I quit. I don't know why and I gained back 30 pounds. Now I'm sluggish and out of shape. I am trying to get back on the band wagon. I know how to do this I've done it before. Just need to get my mind back in the game. Would love to be friends with you. Maybe we can support each other and keep each other motivated.
  • kimberlyamat5
    kimberlyamat5 Posts: 17 Member
    I would love that.
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    You can add me. I am always in awe of people who take the plunge and go back to school later in life...good for you!!
  • kimberlyamat5
    kimberlyamat5 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you Anissa. I have one more week and I am finished. I am so excited lol. Now the real trick is going to be to find a job with my new skills.