Any Crazy Cat Ladies ?



  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    My Wife had 2 cats when we met then we rescued a 3rd. I too am a crazy cat lady.

    Wait, you don't look like my husband in that picture! He says that! Bill, is that you hiding behind that handsome young man?

    I brought Butch and Sundance into the marriage. We took in The Squeak when his owner died. All "domestic short hairs."
  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    I'm not crazy! I'm just doing what they tell me to do.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Haha, not expecting to get much response here but I just recently got my first cat and rescued one on Saturday randomly. I would love to have cat lovers on MFP feed!

    Crazy Cat Ladies UNITE!

    haha ;)
    :laugh: :laugh: Not expecting much response Huh?? More than you expected I would say!
    I'm am one too. Sir Dart and Princess Jasmine. :drinker:
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    cats are cool
  • Patrice1220
    Patrice1220 Posts: 1 Member
    I have 4, 1 pretty white one and added 3 rescues. I love them all.
  • Up until April I had 3 cats and they were a handful! Unfortunately, my sweet Kitty Kitty passed away from kidney failure. I still have Rupert, a large orange tabby with Pica. He's not fat just really solid. He is a complete cuddle bug and sleeps under the covers with me. I also have Penny, my teeny darling. She's pale orange and white and loves to lick plastic.

    Great thread because there is just something so special about animal lovers.

    Cheers to everyone!
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    I'm all about some kitties! I have two cats at the moment, Pumpernickel and Abraham. I had the best cat ever Sir Lou until a little over a year ago when I had to let him go due to kitty cancer.He will forever be missed. But no worries. I have an appointment July 9th to get a portrait tattooed of him in my forearm. I'll be sure to post it once it's complete!

    Crazy Cat Ladies are Awesome!
  • irleshay
    irleshay Posts: 102 Member

    Did you say cats??! Mine are shelter rescues but don't like each other (they both want the spot in front of the microwave), but they're the sweetest furballs in the world.


    Also, a friend gave me this mug, so it's official.
  • tm1048l
    tm1048l Posts: 2
    I have a 10 year old Siamese. Got her as a kitten from Siamese Rescue. My cat before her was also a Siamese that I had for almost 16 years. I would have to say that I am a crazy cat lady, too.
  • marise0128
    marise0128 Posts: 1 Member
    Cat lover here, I have a short hair, her name is fluffy:heart::heart:
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    reformed cat lady here. although, i don't think you ever completely recover. At my peak i had 6, and a few that orbited around the house. I got every single one by accident really. I would take neighborhood cats to be neutered and since they need to stay indoors a few days while they recover from surgery. My plan was to always release them back to the neighborhood but they found sleeping on beds a much nicer place :)

    now we have a dog who loves cats but doesn't quite understand that she can't communicate with them by barking at them.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I have 2 kitties. :)


    They are rescues from a no-kill shelter. Their previous owner passed away due to cancer, and they were being sorely neglected by her surviving husband, because he wasn't "a cat person".... They are around 5 years old, I've had them for almost 3 years.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I have 2 kitties. :)


    They are rescues from a no-kill shelter. Their previous owner passed away due to cancer, and they were being sorely neglected by her surviving husband, because he wasn't "a cat person".... They are around 5 years old, I've had them for almost 3 years.

    Ohhh they are so beautiful!!!
  • MaaKeMeThinn3r
    MaaKeMeThinn3r Posts: 135 Member
    OMG!! I just got my first little kitty on Monday!! A cute calico cat that I named Cinnamon!! Feel free to add:smooched:
    :heart: :heart: Kayleigh:heart::heart:
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    I absolutely adore cats! Right now we have two tonkinese 1 years olds (guess I have to stop saying kittens). We have always had siamese cats before and while I love siamese cats, these two are the absolute sweetest, affectionate, smartest cats we have ever had, they are simply a joy to have around.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I had 2 cats once :(
  • venus_blue
    venus_blue Posts: 103 Member
    Crazy cat lady here, married to another cat fanatic! We have three now, and though I love them all dearly, one is extra precious to me because we hand fed him and three of his siblings (we don't have them anymore) when mama cat rejected them. He is almost as attached to and in love with me as I am with him! I also have my old girl who is ten this year and a six month old terror who is going through his insane age! When we lived in the country, we had a total of nine! Though a couple were strays that wandered in one way or another.

    Always love to make MFPals and meet other crazy cat people!
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    YES. Crazy cat lady here. I have only owned cats and I loved each one of them dearly. I am currently living in an apartment that does not allow pets period, so no little fur monsters for me at the moment. But when I move, I will adopt a little one.
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    Crazy cat lady married to a crazy cat man! We love dogs though too. Our first 'baby' was a blue-tick German short-haired dog named Murdock. After he died we got an AKC registered Chocolate Lab named Roscoe. But before we got him as a puppy, we adopted two cats, brothers, from a co-worker. Tigger is a ginger striped tabby, now 18 years old and his brother, Meeko was a black and white tabby that someone later shot. :( We found him on a trail in our field. A few months later, Charlotte (or Kiki) showed up on our deck. She's black and white and SO sweet, SO friendly and soft. I know it sounds crazy, but we both thought she was sent to help us and our children to help deal with the loss of Meeko.

    Fast forward a few years, Roscoe has since died and three more kitten strays show up on our deck. Pickles is a female all black cat, Tinsel (or TIny Tinsey), female, gray-striped tabby and Marmalade (or Marmy), male Ginger-striped tabby. Unfortunately, Marmy developed a blocked urinary track and had to be put down. Broke our hearts. We buried him in our field.

    A few months later, Pickles somehow pushed a screen out of our front window and fell outside. She took off and wouldn't come back. We'd see her now and then around the neighborhood though for a few weeks, but then she just seemed to disappear. We feared the worst.

    While she was gone, Hubby and I found a brother/sister gray-striped kitten duo while we were walking on the trails in our field. They followed us the entire time all the way back to the deck. They were sooo small, maybe 7-8 weeks, if that, old. We fed them and vowed to take them to the animal shelter. But, well, you guessed it, Hubby fell in love with them and we ended up keeping them. We named them Mickey & Minnie. They're our 'campfire' buddies since they love to hang out with us around the firepit. For awhile, they were indoor/outdoor cats, which, in hindsight ended up being a mistake as Mickey got Tinsie preggers before we could get him fixed. Tinsie had two kittens, Dusty, female Lynx-point tabby and Mindy, female, gray-striped tabby. But she looks Siamese, so we suspect Mickey must have some Siamese blood in him.

    Eight months after Pickles disappeared, she showed up on our deck one day like she'd never been gone and we brought her back inside. What a happy day that was for us! Just blows my mind when I think about it. Well, we soon found out she was preggers. *sigh* She had a litter of seven kittens, all gray-striped. We have taken five of them to the shelter, but still have two left that will go too soon. We kept them back because, Squiffy, female had a bum eye and was smaller then her littermates and Specky, female is SO freaking tiny, no bigger than a 'speck' of dust as Hubby says. hehe Hence the reason for her 'name'.

    SO, to summarize:

    Outside cats:

    Tigger, Mickey & Minnie

    Inside cats:

    Charlotte, Tinsie, Pickles and her two kittens we're not keepig, Dusty and Mindy

    Yep, I'm a crazy cat lady to the max! hehe :)
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    I have a little black cat who brings me happiness every day. She's my baby!
  • pipertargaryen
    pipertargaryen Posts: 303 Member
    I have 4 cats (all pre-shelter rescue) in a 2 bedroom apartment. One bedroom has litter boxes and nothing else.

    FWIW, I have had a boyfriend longer than I've had the oldest cat. So that balances it out. Or something.:glasses:
  • BrownFatCat
    BrownFatCat Posts: 10 Member
    Meow! I have 3 Jax, Pixie, Mia and a dog Brandy. I am also allergic! Call me crazy. Feel free to friend me :-)
  • mysmileighs
    mysmileighs Posts: 103 Member
    YES!! We have one little kitten Coco (4 mo) who we *think* is part Siamese because of his personality. He likes to supervise lol. My profile pic is of him and I the day we brought him home. I want to get him a playmate, but we live in a one room apt and bf says we don't have room :sad:

    He likes to say "my gf wanted a cat so we compromised and got a cat" HA! He loves our little fur baby :love:
  • ankm729
    ankm729 Posts: 23 Member
    I freaking LOVE cats. I had to give away my babies when my son was born because he had an allergy but over time he outgrew it so we just adopted two 9-week-old kittens yesterday! I also have 2 dogs (both adopted as well) and 2 fish. I am an all around animal lover but my favorites will always be cats and ferrets (though both my ferrets passed).

    I also technically still own my very first cat though he lives at my mom's house. I pay his vet bills and supply his food. He is very special to me because I personally rescued him. He got caught in my oldest sister's truck when she started it and it almost completely ripped his leg off. I had to crawl under her house in the middle of a storm to get him then got into a car accident on the way to the vet. I then proceeded to refuse medical treatment until the cat was taken care of so my mother took him to vet and had his leg amputated for me. He is now 10 years old and has since been hit by TWO cars and bitten by a snake and is still kickin! I truly believe he will live forever!
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Yes, I have two handsome fur babies, Motley & Bentley. :smile:
    ETA: they are both rescues

    I was also raised with cats, all rescues as well. I just moved back home with my cats for a short time and my parents had 4 before I showed up (1 just recently passed :( ) so there were SIX cats here, now 5. Then found a stray that we brought in for a couple of weeks until we found its owner...My parents also "take care of" a couple feral cats that they feed and have shelter for. We seem to attract strays and rescues!
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    I have a 14 year old hairless cat, I adopted her last year after her owner unexpectedly passed away. She is so loving, energetic and people friendly. I grew up with cats as well. My dream is to raise a puppy and a kitten together so they can be friends and not know their own species.

  • catremistrae
    catremistrae Posts: 4 Member
    I am crazy cat lady, but my cat has made it very clear that I am a one cat kind of girl! Even though her name is Marvin, she is a spoiled princess. I sing songs to her and put her name in the lyrics, which is probably a sign that I'm a crazy cat lady.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Lynx-point Siamese, adopted shelter tabby calico, and this white monstrosity who was abandoned by his mother at birth and now thinks i am his mother because i bottle-fed him and raised him before his eyes were open. :D
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Yes, I am that crazy cat lady on our street. We have 3 rescue cats and 2 neighbourhood cats that visit so much they may as well be mine.