40+ and fighting the good fight



  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Not quite 40, but I am 38 and also in the best shape of my life. Lifting weights rocks!
  • gerle1
    gerle1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey there another July baby here. Turning 42 the 25th and fighting the good fight. I have always been a yoyo when it comes to my weight. I am now trying to be all around healtier and not worry so much about the weight. Not saying getting rid of the extra pounds would not be welcomed. :laugh: Hoping by moving more and watching what I eat things will fall into place. I don't want to be a slave to the scale.
    And happy happy to the other July babies:bigsmile:
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    40 here too! I really started getting serious in December about exercise and lost about 20 pounds. Even then people would comment about how I didn't need to lose weight or how "thin" I was...but I just didn't feel good. I wasn't enjoying the way I looked in my clothes.

    What helped me lower my BF% was really intensifying my workouts. Circuit training, lifting weights and running. Really working up a sweat! Also getting a heart rate monitor and a food scale helped a ton. I didn't cut out any types of foods or drinks, just kept them in moderation with the occasional splurge here and there.

    Good luck!! You can do it! :smile:
  • Annesoucy1957
    Hi, you can add me if you want.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am in my mid 40's and I try to set a goal of every year to be in better shape than I was the previous. Which usually means eating cleaner and exercising more/smarter every year. Our age bracket definitely doesn't make it easy for us! If you want support, motivation or just good ideas from my diary and fitness routine then please feel free to add. Good luck!
  • cydulrich
    cydulrich Posts: 12 Member
    56 in July. At 40 I was lean, strong and weighed 104 pounds at 5'5". Then I moved out of NYC and back to the Midwest and it was all downhill from there. LOL. My top weight was 135 in early May 2014. It has been hard to lose. I am at 127 now, after about 8 weeks, and want to get to 120. I always try to be as fit as I can get by my birthday, then by the time Halloween rolls around, forget it. If anyone tells you age does not matter, they are either young or crazy. I think the worst part is, you do not cheat, you do the right calories, do the exercise every single day, and the scale barely moves. Your clothes may feel a little better, but you can wake up one morning, go to weigh in, and find you have gained 2 pounds for no reason, other than you are middle aged and retaining water, or whatever. I am sure all of us here can remember when we would not eat for 2 days before prom or some special event and drop 5-7 pounds. It IS discouraging because as my mother use to say.....unless you are looking in a mirror, you still see yourself at the age you felt and looked your best. Then you look in that mirror and go..."wow, that cannot be me". I find myself KNOWING I have lost 8 pounds and then looking in the full length mirror and not seeing any change....and I know this is just age. I could be back down to 104 and I would not be wearing a 2 anymore, everything shifts and changes and your bones DO spread.

    I hope we all get to goal weight and all end up happy with our bodies and content.
  • dog_daze
    dog_daze Posts: 3
    44 in July! Add if you want.
  • shrekfamily
    45+ and lots of hope :)
  • troutrouter
    I'm 45 and joined about a week ago to keep track of my sodium. I have congestive heart failure and need to watch the sodium and this tracks it and the weight loss is a plus. I started my low sodium diet about 5 months ago and have lost about 25 lbs but I wasn't keeping track like I should. We are all in this together so if anyone wants to a add me...feel free.

    Edit: I joined back in April...didn't start using it until a week ago...lol
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    I'm with ya.
  • LaGondaVeal
    LaGondaVeal Posts: 11 Member
    Just turned 50 in May. Also struggling. Doesn't come off like it used to. Goes back easily enough. lol Got to get it under control. Only going to get harder. Add me if you want.
  • Blondie12468
    I'm 46 and definitely a sugar/carb addict. Bad knees are finally forcing me to get serious about losing weight. Anyone who needs encouragement and support, feel free to add me!
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    HusseyCD, I agree and is that aerial silks you are doing in that pic; that is awesome! I did some pole dancing for fitness for a few years and was really wanting to try some hoops and silks too eventually but I got bored and started working out from home, and I started loving lifting and some different kind of results.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Thanks MamaFunky, I appreciate it. You look great in your pic btw, and do t you just hate when people say you look fine? We all have areas of improvement regardless of our shape/size.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    HusseyCD, I agree and is that aerial silks you are doing in that pic; that is awesome! I did some pole dancing for fitness for a few years and was really wanting to try some hoops and silks too eventually but I got bored and started working out from home, and I started loving lifting and some different kind of results.

    It is aerial silks! I also do pole and Lyra! Love it! My instructor is 45 too, btw. ;-)
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Cyd, as that saying goes, we are women, so we probably never be happy. I mean I remember when I was in HS, and what you said reminded me of this, that I didn't eat for three days, I mean nothing, God I don't know how I did it? Then when I went to eat I puked, lol I think I was just north of 100 lb, but I thought I was HUGE, lol I think for our age we're rockin' it and all we can be is better than we were yesterday, definitely better than that girl in HS;)
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Haha, that is awesome. I have a pole in my garage. I may get back on and see if I can still pull off a butterfly, lol
  • crystyntx
    crystyntx Posts: 10
    Turning 47 in Sept.. It's been a struggle, but finally seeing results. Just have to stick to it. Eat right and exercise.. Good luck everyone!! :wink:
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    55 here. Honestly? I think this has been the easiest, most satisfying weight loss of my life. Why? Because I didn't expect to lose it easily. I didn't think eating nothing but apples for a week would change my body. I've been steady at about a half pound a week, even with months of travel, for over a year. Weight lifting was a total surprise...I like it, what? I feel like I'm in a good, healthy place and I'm darned proud of it. Good luck to all of us!
  • be_AL
    be_AL Posts: 15 Member
    Sounds like you already know what to do :)