Gettin' My Groove Back After Hip Surgery!

I just had my right hip replaced on June 2nd, so I'm still working slowly on my exercise routine with a physical therapist, plus some on my own. Just prior to surgery, I was up to 180 lb and not happy! :sad: I was eating healthy, but I wasn't able to take my usual walks and other exercise, so that will take its toll over about 2 years, which was the time from my first diagnosis until the the surgery date.

Surprisingly, I didn't lose much weight in the hospital and in rehab, despite the tasteless food. But at least I didn't gain, and I did drop 4 lb. Since my arrival home on the 10th, I've lost another 3 lb, with a 1200 calorie limit and the prescribed exercises. So I'm doing well, but I'm at the point where I could use a little moral support, and hopefully I can offer some support of my own. :flowerforyou:


  • Feeling kinda sneaky, but I'm gonna bump myself up before I get buried on my first day! :happy:
  • georgiagreeneyes
    georgiagreeneyes Posts: 69 Member
    You've got this, keep up your efforts! I am in a similar situation and have limited mobility having had ankle and shoulder surgery June 5th. It's not easy maintaining a caloric deficit when you're practically bedridden. I can certainly empathize with you!!
  • got it going on at both ends! I haven't been exactly bedridden per se, but a lot of my exercise is still done flat on my back or with a walker. I can't imagine what that would be like to have a shoulder disabled along with an ankle.

    I did have a sudden drop on the scale this morning, so I guess I'm getting some of the muscle mass back, and I know that helps to burn up some calories. :)
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I've had hip surgery of my own (not replacement) and have issues with my hip for awhile now and am actually going through some issues right now. It's never fun! I wish you a speedy recovery!!
  • I feel your pain laybabe821! Say, where do y'all get those cute little progress charts that go on your posts?